D4 Male - Eugene Weiss [-LovelyButterfly-] Task 1

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I never thought I would actually volunteer for the Games. I mean, I dreamed about it from a very young age; like every other career born, but there's difference between dreaming and living.
At first, I felt scared, for a brief moment I thought of the consequences that would follow. When I think about it now though, I feel more confident than ever.
Just when my District partner; Amabel Trython had stepped up to volunteer, I knew I had to; me too.
The name of an innocent 13 years old girl had been shouted. As the little girl stumbled on her way to the stage; this girl named Amabel screamed the words, lifting her right hand at the same time.
"I volunteer!"
I knew from the moment her light and icy eyes had appeared on the live TVs that she wasn't just volunteering for the girl. She was volunteering for herself and for her will. My hands had formed into fists and thoughts raged into my mind as the girl made her way to the stage; confident and challenging unlike the little girl who was not even capable of standing on her own feet.
If she volunteered, I can surely do the same.
I said to myself, the words rushing through my mind over and over.
The escort barely had time to tell the crowd the name of the unlucky boy when I brought my hand into the sky and yelled;
"I volunteer as a tribute!"
Atalanta, who was our horrible escort, had almost jumped with excitement. I jogged confidently onto the stage as she asked my name. I replied, of course, and tell her that I was called Eugene Weiss.
"Oh my, we will remember this name of yours!" She smiled at me.
Next thign was the long speech from our mayor and finally; they all asked to me and Amabel to shake hands.
We did, and after that we were roughly taken into the Justice Building. I heard people say that we were supposed to be dropped into rooms for our goodbyes; and they were right, the people who said that.
The four peacekeepers escorting us along with Atalanta split into two groups; two escorted me toward a room and the same with the girl from my District.
1O minutes had passed when I asked the Peacekeeper on the other side of the room if anything was going to happen.
"Nobody came to visit you, young man." He said, and that brought a sudden pain to my heart.
No even my parents?
I asked myself. He shut the door close and I sat there, during about 5 minutes doing nothing but turning my thumbs around.
The Peacekeeper finally came into the room and asked me to follow him. My mind told me to stay strong and confident, as cameras filmed and took pictures of me. But my heart told me to keep my head down.
I thought the train ride to the Capitol would be boring and sad but when I enter the train, the people I love the most were there, standing in front of me with big smiles, although they looked so much like fakes...
My mother gave me a hug, full of love and attention. She's scared for me, you can tell. My father gave me that man kind of hug, like father and son. Then Luke, my best friend suddenly surprise me with a big bar hug.
"Hey brother!"
Luke has always been my best friend, since we were young. We used to hang out on the beach and as he tried to get girls attention, I tried to fish and get some awesome catches.
He whispered to me;
"I brought someone your really love here. You owe me something dude."
For a second, I got confused. But she stepped up and gave me the most gorgeous smile she could. 
"Hey Eugene." She said shyly. I couldn't help but blushed a little, and as the heat reached my cheeks and I heard Luke laughing on the ground.
Which made the moment even more awkward.
Her name was Kayla, the beautiful girl I had been watching over the last couple of weeks. Not watching in the creepy way, but watching her as she talked with her friends at school. Her beautiful chocolate brown curly hair was like enchanted waves around her shoulders. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
"Hey." I simply replied to her, in the sweetest tone I could do.
"While we eat and discuss, you two could go in the little living room and talk..." Luke said, with a little wink just for me.
"That's a good idea.." Kayla agreed. She took my hand and we both walked into the living room.
A couple of hours later, the train suddenly stopped. Atalanta told everyone that we had arrived to the Capitol and started telling us what to do and not do in front of the cameras.
In the training center, each District had a floor. Ours being the fourth one since we are from District 4.
I saw Amabel talking with a friend, I supposed and two older persons.
Unfortunately we had not a lot of time since Atalanta announced us that a great feast would be held in a hour only. A feast where tributes and their families/friends could all eat in peace before all the preparation would begin.
As my stylist helped me get into my black suit, I quickly glanced at the mirror. I was good looking, all ready to make an impression on the Capitol. But the person I wanted to really impress tonight was Kayla. After talking into the train, we learned about each other and we have a lot of similar opinions.
“My dear Tributes. Friends. Family. We are gathered here to celebrate the lives of these brave people, many of who will, unfortunately, die. But not today. Today we shall live. We shall cherish life. We shall cherish the company of those we love. With good food an music I hope to make these last moments before the games pleasant moments. I want you all to know I am not your enemy.” She looks into the crowd looking beautiful and not in the least bit intimidating, “I want to help you. Every one of you. And as a sign of my good will, the left-overs from this feast will be divided and bagged so that each of your family and friends will have food to take back to your District. Now let's eat, drink an be merry.”
Occisora finished her speech. All I could think of now is eat. All the food we have been bereaved of all our lives is now on this very table. After this feast, like the Head Gamemaker told us; the left-overs are going to be divided so our Districts can have some too. I can already tell that Occisora is going to change the Games. And maybe in a good way.
Well, I hope so. After all; I didn't volunteer for nothing.

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