D8 Male - Jasper Flint [_Blackcat_13]

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District 8 Tribute:

Name: Jasper Flint

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: 8

Reaped or Volunteered: Jasper had volunteered. Their Capitol representative, Fiona pulled from the girl's name first, then the boy's.

"Finn Scrags." Fiona calls in her usual clipped capitol accent. Jasper turned to look at his best friend, Finn's parents were crying.

"I VOLUNTEER!" He screams, as the peacekeepers start to escort Finn up to the stage. Everyone turns and stares at him as he makes his way to the stage. He says his name in the microphone, and then is escorted into the justice building.

Appearance: Jasper is about 6', with a lean muscle build. He has ice blue eyes, with long shaggy white hair that falls into his eyes.

Personality: Jasper is usually quiet, but when he has an opinion he is heard. Jasper has a protective side especially over his best friend Finn and his girlfriend Clarke. When he was 5 his parents were killed and he was taken in by Finn's parents. Jasper is quick to anger, and will hurt anyone who threatens those he cares about. Jasper can get a bit possesive and jealous. One day two men were hitting on Clarke and Jasper knocked them both out.

Character Work in a group: Jasper can work well in a group as long it's only of two or three people. He isn't much of a people person.

Character Trustworthy? Do they trust quickly?: Jasper is trustworthy until you threaten him or those he cares about. Jasper does not trust quickly at all.

Family and friends: Finn is his best friend since he was 3. At five he was taken in by Finn's parents even though they had three other children. Clarke is Jasper's girlfriend of 4 years.

Most importance person: Clarke is Jasper's girlfriend for the last 4 years. He is absolutely in love with her and plans to ask her to marry him after he comes back from the games.

Weapon: Jasper prefers knives or anything he can really throw.

Strengths: Jasper is able to read people pretty good. He can tell when they are lying or when someone is hiding something.

His temper has saved from a few sticky situations before.

He is able to climb as him and Finn use to climb some of the buildings in the district.


Jasper's protectiveness and possesiveness can get the best of him sometimes.

His temper has caused problems with authority figures.

Token: Jasper's token is a simple braided bracelet of cloth. It has three different colors red, silver and gold. Red being his favorite color, Clarke's being Silver and Finn's being gold. Clarke and Finn both have a matching one.

Occisora: "Aww, how sweet. You and you little friends. Just know sentiment can get you killed."

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