D8 Female - Eileen Fletcher [-LovelyButterfly-] Task 1

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The freezing cold wind hits me like a hit to the stomach. It fills my lungs and I feel them shiver under my rib cage. The feeling is horrible, but not as much as the thoughts that fills my mind...
Today's the Reaping, the Reaping for the Games. The terrible Games that the Capitol --the heart of our terrible country-- created long ago. Their real name is The Hunger Games. They confine 24 innocent teenagers in an arena, to battle to the death. But like it's not enough; they add mutations in the arena and make them murder the tributes. 23 innocent lives are wasted every year, along with the people who starve in the lower Districts and the people who suffer from sicknesses. The worse in all this; the Capitol have the medicine for them, they have little flasks full with miracles that can heal anybody from anything. But they don't give it to us, they don't even bother to give us food although we give ours to them so well.
They kill us, they torture us, and you may ask; why?
Because they like it.
Also, why don't they do the same for District 1, District 2 or even District 4? And the answer is; because they turned the people in those Districts just like them, the Capitol. They like to see how jealous we are at the upper Districts; they like to see our disgust and anger. That's why they put training academies up there; they made that kind of truce between those Districts.
The Capitol just have so much control on us that they can't resist the envy of showing us that we are just animals besides them.
I see my mom's hand trying to reach mine, and that's when I realize that I've been standing here, my feet stuck to the ground. I quickly move my hand forward, away from her, and start walking toward the square. I can hear the slight sigh from my mother but I don't stop, I make my way to the center of District 8 with my parents behind.
It's not that I don't like my parents; I don't dislike them at all. But something happened and I don't seem to be able to accept the attention or love that people try so hard to give to me. At first, I felt guilty. I felt guilty of rejecting my own parents like that. But it's stronger than me, each time I try to let them in, something in my brain clicks and the barriers are back down. Now I'm used to it, for years it's been happening, I can't just change that back, I can't. The only person that seems to be immune to all of this is; Damon. And I hope that someday, he'll be able to bring me back, because right now I'm at the mercy of something I don't know, something that comes from me. But I don't know how to stop it...
That hand of his, I didn't see it coming. Not like my mom's, only minutes ago. It squeezes my own hand and the burning but comforting feeling overtakes all of my body. It doesn't stops until he let go of me. But as soon as his hand left mine, it came to rest on my shoulder. His face is only centimeters from when he whispers;
"What happened?" Of course, I didn't hear it, but I saw the words on his lips. That's the question he asks every time, every time he sees my parents looking at me like I was some sort of creature they loved, but could never have. He knows what is going on but he just keeps asking the same question every time and like every time; I answer by looking at him with my eyes pleading for him to accept my apologies. And each time, he sighs.
The scenario is always the same, he takes me by the waist and together, we go find the little stall kind of table where a weird woman awaits for us.
We stop at the end of the line. Kids are being pricked on their fingers, again and again. The front of the line finally comes to disappear and suddenly it's my turn. The Capitol woman's eyes stared deep into mine as if she wanted to intimidate me, her hand is impatiently resting on her stall table and she waits for me to give her my hand so she can prick my finger, and identify me. Although a part of me just want to give her my hand so it's finished, something else refuses and my entire body starts to shake. I try to force my hand upward but my attempt fails and I'm just there, looking into the woman's eyes, who just want to end her job as soon as possible.
I'm not shaking because I'm scared, but because this is where it all started for my sister. She could've hide until the Reaping ended and get the consequences after. But she registered and now, she's dead. Chosen for the Games, but she didn't make it.
Retracing my sister's step just makes me realize how I become this.
Without my permission, Damon suddenly takes my hand and put it on the table, trying to stabilize it. Although he is so fast, his touch was soft and careful.
I see the woman nod at him as for thanking him. She doesn't take one more second and thrust the needle into my index finger, which breaks the little skin tissue and immediately; it starts to bleed. The woman then take my finger and press it to a white sheet of paper. I retrieve my hand as soon as her grip loosens.
The next thing I know; the little scanner thing beeps and my name appears on it. It only takes a few seconds to Damon's turn and then he pushes me gently towards the rows of teenagers in front of the Justice Building; where the Reaping Ceremony would start in moments.
I feel Damon's mouth next to my ear, the words that he pronounces have not reached my mind yet, and I know it because I felt his lips stop moving. But when they do, when they finally reach my head; the words echoes into the emptiness, like if someone would shout something from a hole they're in. The words that form the phrases in my head are not welcomed, and that's why they seem so muffled.
Habitually I don't hear anything people say, I just see them move their lips. But with Damon, it's different; sometimes I can actually hear the words in my head.
"You have to go this way." He said. I knew we would have to separate, since we are different gender, but I don't want to let him go. The sad thing is; I can't really control my movement. It's not me who's controlling. All I can do is lower my head and look at the ground as my feet and legs work together to drive me in the middle of my assigned row. The 15 years old girls one; since they divide us into groups by age and gender. The girls are to the right and the boys to the left, then the 18 years old at the front until the 12 years old that are at the back. That's the same system who have worked since almost a century. I try to find Damon back in his row, but some girls and boys are way taller than me, which makes it impossible to see where he stands.
The sudden high pitch voice from a way-too-excited woman bring my attention to the stage. Not by interest, but by curiosity and disgust.
"Hello, and welcome, my dear citizens of District 8, to the annual Reaping Ceremony!" She said. The words infiltrate my head and give me a headache. I habitually don't hear people's voices, but when the walls get down, it hurts like hell.
"I am Atalanta Coilers and I'm here to announce that today is a very special day ladies and gentlemen! Today, we are going to pick one young woman and man to compete in our precious Hunger Games."
"Are you ready? District 8?" She asks, and I feel a little hint of mocking in her tone. Of course; nobody moves, nobody makes a sound. The only thing people are doing is thinking silently in their heads how stupid she looks on this stage. I don't do personally, but I know how people react to those things, because I was once a small and normal little girl like everybody. But all changed when my sister was picked...
"Amity Fletcher!" Atalanta shouted, that day. Other parents cried along with my mom and dad, I stood there, brave, but just because I didn't lose hope right away like all the people did. I looked at my sister and helped her to get through it. But then she was gone, and everything changed. Everything. As I watched her being murdered and stabbed. Hits after hits, stabs after stabs, by an enraged tribute who wasn't even in control of what he was doing. He'd cut her entire body with a single knife, hurt her even when her cannon sounded to announce the end of her life. Nothing felt the same after that.
"Peacekeepers! Bring her to the stage, we don't have all day." The escort shouted, what helped me to get out of my horrible thoughts. 3 Peacekeepers started to search through all the square, pushing kids around like if they were thrash. One of them suddenly screams out; "She's there!" And they came rushing through the row I'm in. When they reach me, I don't move. I can't I would've liked to keep myself from their way but actually, I was the one they searched for.
Two of them gripped my arms and the other one pushed his hand against my upper back, which made me stumble.
Is it really me? Did they really called my name? I don't remember hearing it...
But ironically; I usually don't hear anything.
No need to try to escape them, the peacekeepers, since I already know that they are tenth time  stronger than me.
The two that came each side of me drag me like if i was an animal they wanted to put in cage, they drag my arms forward so brusquely that I almost fall every time. My feet bellow my body seem to have disappear and I trip numerous time. We finally reach the few steps that leads to the stage and once again; the peacekeepers drag me up to the point where my shoulders could easily dislocate.But the pain doesn't really reach my brain.
They escort me on the stage, just besides Atalanta.
"So, Eileen how old are you dear?" She asks, although she probably already know; it's obvious since I came from the 15th years old row. So I leave her question there and focus on the concern of finding my parents in the crowd. I don't why I did, why I wanted to look at them but I just did. They don't look the same anymore, they look depressed, broken, almost dead. Maybe they were always like that but I never realized?
I hear his voice whisper my name. I don't know how heard him, since he is in the middle of a crowd about I-don't-know-how-many-meters away from me. But I still heard it; the despair in his voice as he prononce every single letters of my name. Probably for the last time.
There's a scream that suddenly wakes everbody from their trances. A boy from the 17th years old row has his hand up in the air and the scream is repeated, although this time I hear it. It's the sound of a hopeless man who just wants to sacrifice himself.
Unlike me; he walks down the aisle without any help and jump on the stage. I can almost sense the excitement of Atalanta as she anticipate the name of the brave young man.
"What is your name courageous one?"
"Jas--Jasper Flint." His voice cracks as we all hear him on the microphones surrounding the Square. For a moment, I forget that I'm on the horrible stage who will lead me to my death in a couple of days or weeks. It seems like I'm watching Jasper from the crowd, feeling anything for him. But now that reality kicks in, I realized that he's going to die like me, only a few days apart. Either before or after me, it doesn't really matter, does it?
He holds out his hand towards me, and my memories from seeing other tributes from year to year tells me to shake his hand. To seal our terrible fate, to both of us.
Atalanta forces us to turn around, and with a final goodbye to the crowd, she escorts us into the Justice Building, her hands behind our backs as to "guide" us.
After the Reaping Ceremony, where me and Jasper have been chosen, Atalanta pushed both of us into two different rooms. Mine to the right and his to the left. Not that it really matters...
These rooms were supposed to be for goodbyes. It was supposed to be I and Damon's very last moments for the rest of our lives... But he decided not to come, as for the same with my parents. I understand why my parents would have not wanted to come, since they probably know that I couldn't have touch them without having a feeling of unfamiliar or refusal.
But Damon...
I wanted to have my last kiss, to touch his lips for the last time. It would have been my last thought in the arena, when I would have to take my last breath. But instead; he left me with nothing. The last part of me who was keeping me sane was now being destroyed. I would have to die in sadness...
I'm about to enter the train when i stop and turn around, the peacekeeper ready himself in case he would have to restrain me from escaping. But instead of doing so, I just stay there and look into his eyes. It's like he read my mind and answer my quiet question;
"Nothing wanted to come. You had no visitors, as the same for the boy."
His words had a lack of emotion, like if someone told him to answer all of our question with those words, and those words only.
He pushes me into the train when the door closed behind me while he stayed outside. I look around but nothing really catches my attention. It's all just fake, the food, the furniture, the flowers. It all just looks so fake.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere; arms wrap around my waist and someone's head comes to rest on my shoulder. At first, I feel the need to reject the person, to push him back and insult him quietly of being a pervert, but the heat who's projected from the person has got to be him. Nobody can make me feel any safer that Damon.
"I'm here Eileen, I'm here. Don't worry. It's going to be okay. I promise..." He trails off, trying to say anything to comfort me, it works.... Until I hear the words; "I promise."
"Your mom and dad are here too. We're the only one who were allowed onto the train though..."
My parents and Damon were allowed onto the train? How is it possible? Damon feels my anxiety and decides to explain me, but just as his mouth open; Atalanta suddenly storms into the dining room.
"This year is a special year darling! Families are allowed to come to The Capitol with the tributes, and they can stay until the tribute enters the arena. Or until the tributes wants them to go, of course..."
It's only then that I realize that Jasper's family are in the corner hugging and crying with each other, while Damon just has his protective arm around my waist and my parents are looking at me from the other side of the room, crying in each other's arms.
"So! I'll tell you right now; like any other escort, I like to be right on schedule. Let's start right now; we'll only arrive at the Capitol around dinner time. 6 o'clock for those who wanted to know specifically. We only have time to shower ad dress before the wonderful feast prepared by the very special that Miss Occisora. Who is actually this year new Head Gamemaker." She finishes and I see a couple of people roll their eyes in the room.
"Last thing, each of you have a bedroom. Eileen's family are in the corridor at the right and Jasper and your family will be in the other one which is at the left. There's also a bathroom in both of the corridors. Now, good evening! I have to get ready for the Capitol!..."
I feel Damon's hand slightly pulling me closer to him and I bury my head in his chest.
"Let's go in the living room, so we can have a little time." If whispers in my ear. I want to nod or simply tell him all the feelings I have been through for years, but I can't. I tried so many times to just bring me to fail...
Damon guides me to the living room where a couple of couches all form a design, there's a TV also; like the ones we have at the Justice Building. Although here; we have one just for us.
He helps me to sit and after he's done, he sits just beside me.
"I love you Eileen. I need you as much as you need me, you know?" He admits. I place my hands on his chest and rest my head just where his heart is supposed to be.
I want to admit him that the same feeling is overtaking my body every time we touch, but the words don't come. I just close my eyes and listen to the beautiful melody of his heart beat, the only thing which keeps both of us alive. My mouth opens for the first time in years, words flow in my heads and I don't know which to pick. I must make a choice, I must choose wisely; the words I've been wanting to tell him for so long. Suddenly the letters appear, they move around and make the sound of waves crashing on the sand.
I'm about to say them when blackness surround my whole mind and I fall into a deep sleep.
This was my only chance. I think as the 3 words quietly and smoothly disappear into the deepest corner of my soul.
Occisora enters the room and all the voices shut down. I feel Damon's soft fingers intertwined with mine under the table we sit at. The world seems to stop as the Head Gamemaker slowly makes her way to the chair, which is at the very end of the table. It reminds me of the stories my mom used to read to us, where the kind would always sit at the end with all of his people at his mercy during the dinner.
Only, this is even worse since I'm going to die because of her.
She finally reaches her chair, but before she sits; she begins her speech;
 "My dear Tributes. Friends. Family. We are gathered here to celebrate the lives of these brave people, many of who will, unfortunately, die. But not today. Today we shall live. We shall cherish life. We shall cherish the company of those we love. With good food and music I hope to make these last moments before the games pleasant moments. I want you all to know I am not your enemy." She looks into the crowd looking beautiful and not in the least bit intimidating, "I want to help you. Every one of you. And as a sign of my good will, the left-overs from this feast will be divided and bagged so that each of your family and friends will have food to take back to your District. Now let's eat, drink and be merry."
The food is brought from all the corners of the room. In only 2 minutes dishes like; turkeys, pastas, fishes, seafood, vegetables, dessert and drinks are everywhere on the table. Dishes I never even knew existed are right there in front of me.
After the Occisora's speech though; I can only feel disgusted. Because we have been chosen, tributes from the Districts, only then The Capitol will bring food back to them. Something I find even more horrible is; the food will only be brought back to our family and friends. That means that everyone else in the Districts will be starving and pleading us for the food they don't have. People are dying right now. Dying of starvation just because The Capitol is too cruel and too lazy to give them food.
People start eating like they've never before, but I just stay there and fix in the emptiness; my plate completely empty, as for the same with my stomach.

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