Part 33|| Mask reviled

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(Because I feel bad about pranking you guys I'll gift you with this. And this isn't a prank okay.)

{Hawks/Keigo POV}

I stood up from his chair quickly. (Y/n) had a questionable look on his face. "What?" He asked. "Why are you hiding a knife behind you!?"

"What, no." "I SEE YOUR HIDING A KNIFE BEHIND YOU!!!" I yelled. "I don't know what your talk-", (Y/n) cut himself off when he flipped the table and ran towards me, with a knife in his hand. (Y/n) aimed at my heart and then...


I used my feathers to push him to the wall, restraining him. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU (Y/N)!!!" I yelled at him.

He just responded with a evil laugh. "You still haven't figured it out yet, have you?" (Y/n) asked me. *What is he talking about?* "What's up with you (y/n)?" He laughed, it was a wicked laugh.

"Hahahaha for the number two hero of Japan you really aren't that smart, are you?" He asked lifting a brow.

"Has it not set in yet?" (Y/n) said, a blue aura around the feathers that pinned him to the wall. Then "AHH." The feather were ripped apart. He started walking closer to me.

I send some feathers after him. They were all ripped apart. I screamed in pain. "Isn't it a little weird why (y/n) hasn't been himself lately?"  (Y/n) said stepping closer. "Why are you talking in third person?" I asked him. He didn't answer, he just let out another wicked laugh.

"Well your clearly don't know what I'm trying to say, so I'll tell you bluntly. When (y/n) was kidnapped one of the villians who had a quirk called possession possessed your lovely number three hero of Japan. And I'm that villian that possessed him." He said why having a creepy smile on his lips.

My eyes widen. *So... all this time I wasn't talking to (y/n) but a....another person!?* What he said seemed like he read my mind. "Yes, all that time you thought you were talking to (y/n) you were really talking to a villian. And man, if you really want to date (y/n) you did a bad job in figuring out it wasn't him. He really doesn't deserve you."

I was shaking, "What did you do to Alice!" I yelled at him. "Oh, that little brat. Yeah she was annoying, so I decided to give her a few good beatings. I decided to let her heal those bruises since you were coming over. And it was so enjoyable hearing her screams of pain. And if your wondering I beat her with a metal bat."

When he finished my blood was boiling from anger. *HOW DARE HE HURT ALICE! Wait he's a villian, I can beat him up!* I pulled a feather from my wing and turned it to the feather sword.

"Thank you for those three months, I was able to master his quirks well. Oh yeah another thing, any cuts, broken bones, and bleeding you'll give me, (y/n) can also feel it, so I suggest you don't try to kill me. Now let the games begin." He said with an evil smirk never leaving his lips.

As soon as he said that the lights turned off. I couldn't find him. I looked around trying to find him. "Come and find me Hawks", I hear his voice echo around me.

{3rd person POV}

Keigo was looking everywhere for "(y/n)", but it was so dark he couldn't. Then a single light turned on, it was across the room from Keigo. The possessor had Alice with him, he held her by her hair, with a gun pointed at her head. She had fear in her eyes. "ALICE!!!" Keigo called out. Tears were forming from her eyes.

"Now let the game start." *What sick game is he thinking of?* "You get to pick one to life, do you want (y/n) to live or do you want Alice to live? And if you try any trick them both will die." *Wait won't he die if he shoots himself?* "And no I won't die if I shot (y/n), just (y/n) will die, I'll return to my own body."

*Shit, and (y/n) would die in the process, what was I thinking!? This will be risky but if I play my cards right then I should be able to save both of them.*

"Why are you doing this?" Keigo asked the possessor. A feather slowly fell off his wing. He had it hiding in the dark so he can't see it. "Why because I want to destroy people's hope of heroes. When All Might retired people kinda losted hope, but imagine how much hope the people will lose when the third best hero of Japan was killed. It will be amazing."

His feather was really close to him, *This will actually work!* Then wraps. *He... he ripped my feather.* "What did I say Hawks, no tricks." The only light that illuminated the possessor went out. Then I heard a gun shot.

Keigo's eyes widen at the sound. * she-* He was cut off when a single light at another part of the room turned on. And what he saw made him sick.

He seen Alice's bloody body on the ground.

Keigo was shaking. Then all the lights turned on in the room, and for a split second he saw the possessor right in front of him. He then punched Keigo in the face. He fell on his back as he hit the ground.

The possessor put (y/n)'s heavy foot on Keigo's chest. "I didn't know if the illusions actually worked, there was a reason why I picked him to possesse." And then he let out a evil laugh.

He held the knife up. "Well now it was nice meeting you Hawks, but looks like this is goodbye." A wicked smile formed on his lips.

[Word count 1010]

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