Part 25|| The meeting

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{3rd person POV}

"Wait hold on, you guys aren't dating?!" (Y/n) asked shocked and confused. Keigo shook his head no. "But why did you tell me you two were dating?" Keigo bit his bottom lip. "I-", Keigo didn't know how to respond with that question. What was he suppose to say, Hey (y/n) I like you and I was hoping to get you jealous so you can come to me and say your undying love for him. No that would be ridiculous. And he would reject and he call him names and "Are you okay Keigo?" (Y/n) asked Keigo

{Keigo/Hawks POV}

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard (y/n) call me. I look up and he looked worried. "Sorry I was spacing out, what did you ask?" His worried expression disappeared. "Are you okay and why would you tell me you and Mirko are dating if you two aren't?" *Oh okay, I'll tell him it was a prank and I wanted to see his reaction.*

"Oh yeah I'm fine. And me and Mirko wanted to see your reaction to that." He gave a confused look, "she was on this too?" I nod. "Oh, okay that's sense." He starts to laugh. *His laugh is so amazing.* "Thats actually funny." He said. Our stuff comes and we chat for a bit.

<Time skip>

{Y/n POV}

I left the cafe. Me and Keigo parted ways. I felt...giddy. I for some reason felt glad when I left the cafe. I didn't know why.

I picked up Alice and went back to my apartment. I was about to go to sleep when it dawned why I feeling that way. *Wait, I feel fuzzy when I'm around him, I felt said when he said him and Mirko dated, I felt happy when I heard it was prink. I have a crush on Keigo?* It took me a minute. *Oh god I DO HAVE A CRUSH ON KEIGO!* My phone buzzed. I checked it to see it was an email for me. The email was a out a meeting I need to attend tomorrow about the L.O.V. *The hells that?* I turned my phone off and went to bed.

<Time skip>
{3rd person POV}

It was time for (y/n) to go to this meeting about the L.O.V. Mirko couldn't go to the meeting cause she was taking care of Alice. A lot of pros were at the meeting. Pros like Gang orca, Edgeshot, Crust, Tiger, and of course Hawks. Everyone was in their hero costumes, even you. Everyone was just waiting on Crust and Hawks. A couple minutes and Crust finally came, so time to just wait on Hawks.

After five minutes Hawks has arrived. He sat next to (y/n). The (hair color) haired male had a small tint of red of his face. But soon enough someone spoke up.

"Okay thank you all for coming today. This meeting is about the L.O.V." *I should probably ask what they are.* (y/n) thought raising his hand. "Yes Blue X." "Uh, I'm confused, who is this L.O.V and what does it stand for." Everyone in the room looked at (y/n). "How do you not know who they are?" Tiger asked the (eye color) eyes male. "Do you know about the USJ incident?" (Y/n) nodded. "Well they are the ones who did that." "Oh!" Gang Orca  spoke up, "Oh how come you haven't heard about them?" (Y/n) answered Gang Orca's question, "Well because I was at Hokkaido. And it wasn't really talked about there. I only found out that happened when I came back to the main land." Gang Orca nodded and the meeting continued.

"Anyways since we are all caught up, I will continue. Anyways some people have reported of seeing some L.O.V members around Sendai city. Our job is tomorrow we will go to this location and try to take down the L.O.V. So everyone be prepared. Everyone nodded. And the meeting was over.

(Sorry this one was sort)

[Word count 682]

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