Part 32|| Date

436 11 6

{3rd person POV}
(Also I don't why but I'm calling Mirko, Mirko, not Rumi mostly because I'm use to it.)

(f/f)= Favorite flower.
(F/fd)= Favorite food.

Enjoy ;)

Keigo woke up. He was excited about today. He looked in his closet to find any good clothes to wear.

He didn't have anything good, so he decided to call Mirko. "Hey Keigo what do you need?" "I need something good to wear for this date with (y/n)." It was silent for a moment, "maybe we can go to the mall!"

Keigo agreed with Mirko, and so they went to the mall.

<Time skip to the mall>

Mirko and Keigo made it to the mall. They wore things to disguise themselves so fans don't crowd them, which would make them kicked out for the amount of people in the male. And they didn't have time to waste.

"Wait, since it's gonna be at (y/n)'s house you wouldn't need anything to fancy." Mirko told Keigo. Keigo thought for a moment, "I'll text him what should I wear." Keigo did as he said, he pulled out his phone and texted (y/n).

                               Hey, for the date what should I wear?

Oh you can wear casual clothes, just don't bring your hero costume haha.

                                        Haha funny joke.

Haha, yeah definitely a joke, see ya later.

                                                 Okay see ya.

"Yeah I can wear casual cloths." Keigo told Mirko. She nodded and took him to some stores.

Keigo got some skinny jeans, with a black hoodie, since none of the clothes had holes for his wings.

The date doesn't start for another eight hours, so Keigo and Mirko decided to go to the food court to, duh.

Of course Keigo got chicken, and Mirko got some chinese food they had. They both started eating.

<Mini time skip>

"Hey Rumi do you think I need flowers?" Keigo asked looking at Mirko. "I mean yeah, unless you don't know what his favorite flower is." "Oh but I do know, he told me once, his favorite flower is (f/f)." "Then you should get him some." Mirki said while dragging Keigo to the nearest flower store.

After finding (f/f) Keigo and Mirko said their goodbyes. With Mirko saying
"Man you haven't been on a date for a while, since we were in UA know." Keigo nodded, "I still miss him." Keigo said, Mirko placed her hands on his shoulders, "you need to move on, I know it's hard but it's for the best." Mirko reassured her friend, "Good luck!" She said before Keigo lost sight of her.

Keigo went to his apartment to take a shower.


When he made it to his apartment he put the best shirt he had into the washer. Then he got into the shower.

While showering he was thinking of ways the date could go. He was nervous, you see Keigo never developed feelings for anyone, and hell he's been never been on a date before. He was afraid he might mess up.

But then he remembered when Mirko gave him confidence, his mood lifted after that.

When he was done with his shower he put a towel around his waist. He dried himself.

While doing so he was thinking of one way of how the date will go. And it turned Keigo on. *No no no, bad thoughts get out. There's no way we would do that on the first date.* Keigo said trying to get those bad thoughts away.

An hour has passed by and Keigo's shirt was done drying. He got ready for his date.

When he was done changing he texted (y/n) that he was coming over now. He got the flowers and opened the balcony doors and stretched his wings out. He closed the doors and flew to (y/n)'s apartment.


Once he got to (y/n)'s apartment he knocked on the door. The door opened revealing (y/n). "Hey Hawks." He said smiling.

"Uh, h-here some (f/f) f-for you." Keigo pulled the flowers he had for (y/n). (Y/n) thanked him and took the flowers.

"The food should be done soon, you can wait at the dining room if you want." The (h/c) haired male said while going into the kitchen.

Keigo nodded and sat at the dining table. Keigo had the urge to use the bathroom, so he asked (y/n) where the bathroom was.

"Hey (y/n) where is the bathroom?" "Oh it's down the hall." Keigo got up and walked towards the bathroom.

While he was walking to the bathroom he heard sniffs and sobs in a room. Keigo stopped in his tracks. He turned to the door that had the noise. He put his hand on the handle and turned the knob.

He slowly opened the door. Keigo saw Alice on the floor, she had bruises all over her arms and legs. She looked up and Keigo could see she was crying. "A-Alice what happened?" Keigo asked worried.

She started shaking more, "Oh hey Keigo, I thought you were going to the bathroom." He heard a calm voice behind him. He turned and saw (y/n).

"O-Oh hey (y/n)." Keigo said while taking a step back. (Y/n) took a step forward. The lighting made (y/n) look like a villian. His purple eyes glowing, looking real not like there contacts they look like the eyes he was born with.

"W-what did you do t-to Alice?" I asked him, getting kinda scared. The blonde's  wings puffed up to my himself more intimidating. But it looked like it wasn't working. He was talling then me.

"Oh Alice! Yeah we went to park and she fell off the swings, that's how she got the bruises, right Alice." Keigo turned to look at Alice, she nodded her head. Fear still present in her eyes.

(Y/n) grabbed Keigo's wrist and pulled him out of her room. "Now go to the bathroom, I don't want a mess on the floor." He pushed me into the bathroom, closing the door.

After he was done doing what he needed to do he walked down the hall. Keigo tried to open the door to Alice's room, but it was locked.

So Keigo decided to go back to the dining room. "The food is ready." (Y/n) told Keigo from the kitchen.

He soon brought some brought (f/fd). He placed two plates/bowls on the table. "Oh wait I forgot the spoon/fork, I'll be right back." He said walking back into the kitchen.

(Y/n) walked back into the dining room. It was probably Keigo's mind play tricks on him, but he swore he saw a knife in (y/n)'s hand. He shook of the thought.

The (h/c) haired male put a spoon/fork on Keigo's side of the table. He then sat down and they both started eating.

They both made a conversation. After a while of talking, (y/n) stopped mid sentence and stared Keigo. "Uh why are you staring at me?" Keigo asked confused.

"I see something on your face, I'll take care of it." Keigo stood still, but his eye wondered, looking at everything in the room. But something caught his eyes.

It was a reflection,and Keigo could see a knife hiding behind (Y/n). It was crepping out from behind him. Keigo's eyes widen.

He stood up from his chair quickly. (Y/n) had a questionable look on his face. "What?" He asked. "Why are you hiding a knife behind you!?"

"What, no." "I SEE YOUR HIDING A KNIFE BEHIND YOU!!!" Keigo yelled. "I don't know what your talk-", (Y/n) cut himself off when he flipped the table and ran towards Keigo, with a knife in his hand. (Y/n) aimed at his heart and then...

[Word count 1328]

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