Part 28|| Odd

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{Hawks/ Keigo POV}

I woke up in my bed. I unfortunately slept on my back, so my back hurts because of my wings. I stretched my limbs. I got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom.

After finishing my business I got out to cook or really reheat some chicken I had in my fridge.

After eating that delicious chicken I got dressed into my hero costume. I opened my balcony door and took in the fresh air. I closed the balcony doors and locked it. I stretched my wings to get ready to fly. I flew up in the air and started flying.

*I kinda want to vist (y/n), maybe I could try to flirt with him to show that I'm into him.* I stopped flying and pulled out my phone.

*It's 9:04 and I don't have to make it to my agency until 9:30, so I have 26 minutes left so I think I could make it. And besides my agency is close to his agency.*

I flew in the direction of (y/n)'s agency.

I landed on his glass balcony and looked through his window. I didn't see him in there. I tired to open the doors but it was locked. "Damn it", I whisper to myself. *Great now I have to fly down. I flew off his balcony and landed on the ground.

I quickly when into the building, using the front doors. I made sure no one saw me, because I would be surrounded by fans. And that would take a long time to get out of that situation.

When I walked in everyone working there stopped, and looked at me. "Uh...why is everyone staring at me?" I asked out loud. The person at the front desk cleared their throat. "Uh what brings you here Hawks?" By the looks on everyone they also had the same question.

"Oh I'm here to vist (y/n), is he here?" The person at the front desk looked like they know something I didn't, "No, he for some reason isn't here today." *That's weird he usually doesn't miss a day. Maybe he's sick? Or slept in?* "Oh uh thank you, well I need to head out then. Bye." I waved at them. They all waved back.

I walked out the door and flew to my agency, *yeah he must of slept in or he's sick, there is not other reason why he wouldn't be at work.* I decided to ignore it for now.

<Time skip>

It was time for me to go for my patrol. I decided to go to the same route that (y/n) usually goes on. He wasn't there. *Okay he must of slept in, because how would he get sick, I was basically with him the entire day! But he should of woke up by now and realized that he's late for work.*

I decided to go check on him, something wasn't right.

I landed on his balcony, I looked through the glass doors. The lights were off, I didn't see Alice or (y/n) anywhere. I decided to knock on the window. *This seems really odd.* I tired to open the door, but it didn't work.

I then hear footsteps, light ones. I see Alice turn the corner. I signaled her to open the door. She opened it.

"Uh hey Alice do you know where your dad is at?" She pondered, "oh yeah he's taking a poopy." She said innocently said. "Could I go in?" She nodded and stepped out the way to let me in.

I went to the bathroom door and knocked. "Y-yes?" "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him concerned. "Y-yeah, I just got food poisoning, and my stomach is killing me." I hear him taking a big dump.

I felt really bad for him, *His ass must hurt after that.* I said bye to him and Alice and continued my patrol. 

<Mini time skip>

I went back to my apartment. I opened my glass door on my balcony and went to my room. I flopped on the bed. *Now today was odd. He just had stomach issues hehe.* I drifted off to sleep.

(I'm sorry if these few parts suck, I'm just confused of what filler I should have before the next arc starts.)

[Word count 726]

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