Part 26|| Caught

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{Y/n POV}

I got up ate breakfast and feed Alice. I decided to train myself for the events that will happen later today. I went to a junk yard to find anything heavy I could lift. I brought Alice with me but made sure she was safe and far away so she wouldn't get hurt. I told her to call me if she needs me.

I looked around for any heavy objects. Unfortunately it wasn't that easy. I looked around the junk yard, nothing heavy I could use to train. That was until I found a broken down car. *Perfect.* I moved all the other junk around it away, making room so I can train.

I trained on lifting it and crushing it with manipulation. After I crushed it I would rebuild it back to before I crushed it. Unfortunately it left a few dents. *There could only be a few more times before I unable to use this car anymore.*

After two hours I finished working out. I was all sweaty. I decided to take me and Alice somewhere to eat. I got (favorite food) and (favorite drink). Alice got a child's meal. After all the I went to Mirko's to drop Alice off. And went to the apartment to get my hero costume. I texted Hawks what time we said we need to go.

Hey Keigo what time do we need to be ready?

Uh I think like at 21:00 (9:00 pm I think)

Okay, thanks. See you there.

I turned off my phone. I checked the time I had four hours before I need to go, I'll take a quick nap, so I'm not tired during the mission. I laid on my bed. I set a alarm for an hour before the mission starts.

<Time skip>

"Okay, Blue X you will use your illusion quirk so they can't see you. You'll have this walkie-talkie, try your best not to get caught. When the times right call us to come over." One of them told me. I nodded and made my way to the spot. I hid in the shadows, even though they can't see me anyways. "Okay do you have the bullets?"

I see a guy in all black, with two other guys. One has black hair, some weird purple things on his face and arms. I see another guy in all black as well. "Yeah, we do." The guy they were talking to looked like a typical drug dealer. He had a big coat, a hat, and glasses.

He places a box down. "Do you have my cash?" He asks the three. "We do, Dabi." I see he lifts a hand up, blue fire shoots out. The guy was burning. His screams of agony made me shake. Unfortunately a piece of that fire touched me. Causing my illusion to disappear. They all turned to me. *Fuck my life.*

The guy lifted his hand again towards me. "Oh? We have a little rat now do we? It would be fun to set this rat into flames." I used manipulate to grab some garbage cans and threw them at him. I pulled the walkie-talkie, "I NEED HELP NOW!!!" I yelled into the walkie-talkie.

The three tired to fight me off, but they sucked. I heard footsteps approaching. "Were here." I turn my head to see them. The three ran away. I chased after them. Keigo followed me too. Since he was using his wings he was more faster than me.

We see them turn to a corner. We turn and see one turn another corner. We followed them. I slowed down from how tired I was. Keigk turned to me, "Hey, are you okay?" I nod. "Im just tired. Catch up to them." He nodded and flew off after them.

I sat back against a wall of the building we were near. I was trying to relax, it was a miracle that I was able to keep up with Keigo.

"Look what we have here." My eyes widen when I heard a voice behind me. I felt a pain on my neck and a hand cover my mouth. I tried to fight, but I felt really really tired. My vision started to get blurry. And then my vision went black.

{3rd person POV}

(Y/n) woke up in a room, chained to the walls. He felt tured and weak. And then he realized someone was grabbing his arm. He tired to use his quirk, but it didn't work. He sees someone come out of the shadows. "Well well well, look what we caught. The number three hero of Japan."

{Y/n POV}

A man came out of the shadows, "Well well well, look what we caught. The number three hero of Japan." "What do you want!? And why can't I use my quirks?" I asked him. "My buddy over there who's holding your arm can erase quirks as long as he's touching the person. And what we want is to have some fun." He brings his hand closer to my face. I try to back away, but hit a wall.

Soon enough his hand touched my face.

[Word count 871]

Interest (Hawks x M! reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora