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"I told you to pay the money before the 20th Marvin," a voice boomed, "I've given you way to many chances."

"P-please sir, just give me a month," a sickly voice gasped, "I'll get your money."

The large man placed a hand on his head, massaging his oily curls, "Marvin, Marvin...what am I going to do with you?" He purred, "I'll tell you what, I'll give you a month. Get me my money, and you'll live, otherwise..."

"But sir," another man interrupted.

The large man raised a finger to his lips, "deal?"

"Y-yes, sir! Of course sir. You are a very kind man!" the sickly man thanked, waddling away towards the door.

"Shoot him," the large man ordered.

Gunshot sounds rung in the air while the large man grabbed his champagne, walking over to the body on the ground. Raising his glass as a toast, he spoke with a sly grin, "Welcome to the Mafia."

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