Chapter Seventeen

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Laura's POV:

Pain. So much pain. I groaned, shifting in my position. Where am I? I couldn't see anything, and my breathing felt restricted. I tried to bring my hands to my face but I couldn't. My hands are tied up. My body immediately went into panic mode, muscles tensing at the binds around my hands. Suddenly, I jolted upwards. I am in a car. 

"H-hello?" I called. That's stupid. The person who kidnapped you wouldn't reply.

I wracked my brain, trying to recall what happened in the past couple of hours—sounds of slot machines and laughter collided with the memories of gunshots and screams. Oh, God, Aarina. I squirmed, trying to untie the rope that bound my hands. 

"Stop squirming," A deep voice commanded. 

Hideo. I swallowed the lump in my throat, "w-what's covering my eyes?"


"Hideo?" I called, trying my best to make my voice stable.

Someone grabbed my head, yanking on the cloth that covered my head. I jerked my head back, squinting at the bright light in front of me. I looked up at Hideo, who sat in front of me, suit jacket on the seat next to him and his white dress shirt unbuttoned. 

"Hideo-" I started.

"Shut up," he interrupted.


I was silenced with a smack to my face. I stared at Hideo, eyes wide and cheek throbbing. I felt tears well up in my eyes; I bit my lip trying to fight them. I looked away, staring outside the window; I could feel Hideo's gaze on my face, not leaving. I swallowed once again, fingers fidgeting behind my back. My cheek still hurt and felt hot. 

The car came to a halt. The driver came and opened the door for Hideo. He stepped out, grabbing onto my arm and pulling me out. I lost my balance and fell onto the ground; Hideo pulled my arm up, twisting it, forcing me on my feet.

"μπάσταρδος (pronounced bástardos)" I spat.

Hideo growled, digging his hands onto my hair and pulling me. I hissed in pain, thrashing around, trying to get away from him. He pulled my hair, dragging me towards another car. I struggled against the restraints. I heard Hideo take a deep breath in.

Hideo pushed my head, slamming my body against the hood of the black car. He pressed himself into my back, pulling my head up with my hair. I could feel his toned abdomen pressed against my lower back. I struggled but gave up immediately when I felt his hot breath on my neck, making the hairs on my neck stand.

"Stop struggling, or you'll start something you'll regret," Hideo threatened.

I bit the inside of my cheek, inhaling sharply. Warmth spread in my stomach at the low grumble that was Hideo's voice. Something hard rubbed against my butt. I stiffened at the realisation; I pressed myself against the car hood, trying my best to distance myself from him.

A low chuckled rumbled behind me, "what's wrong, kitten?"


"Why did you bring that over here?" A loud voice yelled.

"They're leverage, Aba," A voice that sounded like Hideo's replied.

"That is leverage? That slut?" The first voice asked. I cringed at the word. Slut. 


"I sent you for the secretary, and you got me the whore?"

"Aba, listen-"

"No, you are a useless, disappointment, worthless excuse of a son. I wish your brother hadn't backed down from the position of being the leader. He would have made me proud."

The words struck my heart, sending waves of shivers down my spine. The door opened and slammed behind me. I turned around, seeing Hideo leaning against the door, head in his hands. His chest rose and fell rapidly; I wanted to say something but thought otherwise. He dropped his hands, catching my eye. 

"How much did you hear?" He asked.

I pursed my lips into a line, "I'm sorry."

"Hideo!" A voice boomed.

I saw a flicker of panic on Hideo's face, but it vanished just as fast as it appeared. Hideo left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Where is Aarina? Is she safe? What about Luka? He had to have realised that we were missing by now. Does he know that Hideo took us to the warehouse? Is Aarina even alive? Oh God, if she weren't alive, I wouldn't know how to live with myself. 

I tried pushing the thoughts out of my head, focusing on my heartbeat. Luka is a smart guy; he would know what to do. I looked around at the room I was in. The room was poorly lit. A basement? There were boxes all around. The smell of dust and old books overwhelmed me. I looked down at my clothes; I still wore the casino dress, but it was covered in bloodstains. I threw my head back, noticing the hooks on the roof.

Somebody rustled with the doorknob. A heavy pair of feet stomped their way into the room. A large wide man stood at the door, staring straight at me. His grey hair greasy and stuck to his forehead; his black beady eyes surrounded with wrinkled; his chapped mouth topped with a slick moustache. His presence made me gag.

"You're Marino's personal stripper?" The man asked.

"I'm his friend, yes," I replied, "and you are?"

"Mikito Takahashi," he replied.

My eyes widened—Hideo's father. 

"Now, I asked for the PA, but I got the slut, I might as well take advantage of the situation, right?"


Translation (Greek):

μπάσταρδος means Bastard.

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