Chapter Nineteen

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Luka's POV:

After sending Aarina home, I made my way downstairs into our home gym. I walked into the changing room, unbuckling my pants, before slipping into grey sweatpants. I got out the gauze from the drawers, wrapping my hands in them before going over to the punching bags. I stretched my arms before getting into my stance. I shot my fist forward, hearing the familiar sounds of my knuckles colliding with the punching bag. Vibrations flowed through my arm; the familiar feeling of pain rushed through my knuckles. I swung again. And again. And again. I grunted, throwing kicks and punches, taking out all my frustration.

I felt the tension building in my muscles, begging me to stop. All the rage and anger poured out of my knuckles, as I jabbed the punching bag. Sweat dripped from my brow as I kept ongoing. Not stopping until the blood from my knuckles imprinted itself onto the bag in front of me. I finally stopped, stepping back and taking deep breaths in. I slumped against the wall, rubbing my eyes with my fingers.

What have we gotten ourselves into? 

I fought the tears in my eyes that threatened to fall at any moment. The thought of Laura being tied up in Hideo's basement, probably bloodied and beaten, shook my body. What am I going to do? I groaned loudly, punching the wall, leaving a small crack in the cement. I held my fist, blood pouring out of it.

"Figlio?" My mother called.

I wiped my eyes, standing up, turning my back towards the door, "In here, Ma."

"Figlio, look at me," she said, voice so soothing. 

I hesitantly turned around, looking down into her eyes. She smiled softly, opening her arms for me. I walked over, wrapping my hands around her shoulders. For a moment, I felt like a little boy again. Fragments of memories flashed in my eyes, memories of a peaceful time, memories of the time before we ran the mafia, memories of our family running around on the beach, memories of meeting Laura for the first time. Laura. I met her while I was underground, trying to bust a human trafficking gig. She was one of the victims who got kidnapped and sold to the Japanese mafia. She was just sixteen when I found her, shaking, covered in blood and dirt. I held onto my mother, wishing time could stop for one second, and I could take a moment to breathe.

"Son? What happened? Talk to me," my mother asked.

"Hideo has Laura," I sighed.

She pushed me back slightly, looking up at my face, eyes filled with fear, "what?"

"Laura and Aarina went together to the casino to get intel on Hideo, but he took both of them. Laura took Aarina's place and got Hideo to leave Aarina."

She inhaled, "what are you going to do about this?"

"I-I don't know," I admitted. I hated saying those words; I hated not knowing.

"Where is Aarina?"

"I sent her home."



I sat on the couch by the pool outside the Manor. It was around three in the morning; I couldn't sleep. I listened to the sounds of flowing water from the fountain by the pool. I inhaled the fresh breeze, fiddling with my phone in one hand. I shuddered as a harsh gush of wind pushed against me. I heard the doors behind me slide open, revealing Sofia-barefaced and in a silk nightsuit. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I could ask you the same question," I replied, "couldn't sleep?"

"Nope, you?" 

I shook my head, patting the spot next to me. Sofia plopped herself next to me, spreading open the blanket on our legs. I checked my phone before tossing it next to me.

"Waiting for someone?" She inquired.

"I sent a watch team to Hideo's house; I was hoping for some updates," I informed.

I felt Sofia perk up next to me. I smiled at her, wrapping an arm around her. It had been so long since we sat down as a family and not discussed weaponry, drugs, alcohol, money, sex or schemes. 

"Are you scared?" Sofia mumbled.


"About Hideo, Laura, Aarina, everything?"


Sofia sniffled, "me too."

"Who would have thought the Marino siblings would be scared?" A voice said from behind us. We turned around, looking at Marcus, "are you guys really sitting without me?"

Sofia extended a hand to Marcus, pulling him next to her. She shared the blanket with him, throwing her legs on his lap. 

"Who would have thought?" Sofia chuckled.

"Who would have known that we wouldn't have a plan?" I added.

"We never thought this would happen," Marcus consoled.

Sofia yawned, laying her head on my shoulder. Her eyes remained wide open like she was terrified to close them, in fear that she might see something horrifying. I closed my eyes, and for the first time, I wasn't plagued with horrid images of death and blood; instead, it was a pitch-black nothingness. Somehow...that was worse.


Translation (Italian):

Figlio means Son.

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