Chapter Sixteen

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Luka's POV

"Boss, Hideo was spotted taking Madam De Niro and Mx Zika into his car," The woman on the phone informed me. I clenched the phone in my hand, anger surging through my body. I slammed the phone down, taking wide steps into my bedroom, ripping open the closet doors. I grabbed my gun, loading it, clenching my jaw. I grabbed my jacket coat, walking down, throwing the doors open and walking into the car. Marcus and Sofia joined me, holding their guns and ammo. Julian started the car, driving as fast as possible, definitely breaking all traffic laws. I kept my eyes on the window, digging my nails into my palm, feeling the sting of the cut. 


I squatted down, behind the wooden box, holding my gun in between my legs. My heart pounded in my chest, as I peeked my head over the box. I noticed two men standing at the entrance of the warehouse. I looked over at Sofia, who was hunched behind a wall and nodded. She turned around to Marcus, who nodded at me. 

Sofia stood up, walking forward, "Hello, boys!" She called, adding a little flair to her walk, "I was just wondering if you could point me to the nearest bus stop."

The voices of the men got drowned out by the rapid pounding of my heart, but I could make out the grunts of them and the loud thud of their bodies. I peaked my head back, locking eyes with Sofia, who beckoned us. 

I raised my wrist to my mouth, talking into the microphone that was pinned to my sleeve, "clear."

I got up, walking towards the gate, bending down, shaking the fallen man. He groaned, rolling onto his side, coughing up blood onto his side. I kicked him in the face once again, making his body go limp. I looked up at the building in front of me. It was an abandoned warehouse. Very Hideo. Marcus kicked the door open, aiming his gun, looking around to see if anyone is there. Behind me, I could hear the footsteps of my men marching up to me.

"Julian?" I called.

"Si, Capo?" He replied.

"Find them," I commanded, receive a curt nod from him as he signalled half the group to follow him towards the right side and sent the other half towards the left. 

My ears perked up at the sound of a rustle on my left; immediately, I raised my gun, pointing it in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, rapid footsteps could be heard, revealing five men running towards us. I looked over at my siblings, excitement clearly visible on their faces. I ran towards them, muscles pumping me with energy as I dodged their bullets. I raised my gun, shooting a few shots at them, knocking one man over. I whacked the nearest man to me with the butt of my weapon, disorienting him temporarily as I brought my knee up to his chest, striking him down onto the floor. I shot him in the back of the head; blood splattering on my pants.

"No...I like these pants," I whined internally.

Looking around, I noticed the remaining three men where all on the ground, in a pool of their blood. Marcus's nose was bleeding, and Sofia's lip had a wound. We began to walk deeper into the horribly lit abandoned warehouse. 

Something shiny on the floor caught my attention. I reached into my pocket, pulling out black gloves, slipping them on and picking up the object. Once the realisation struck me, I wrapped my hand around it. I turned around, showing my siblings the shiny object.

"Is that Laura's necklace?" Marcus asked.

Sofia snatched the necklace from my hand, shoving it in her pocket, before yelling into her mic-piece, "any updates?"

"We have eyes on them, Ma'am," someone replied through the comms. One of our men came over to us from a small hallway. Sofia ran towards the man, following him towards the direction he came from. Marcus and I eyed each other before running after her. 

We walked down the dark hallway, trying our best not to make too much sound, which was very hard because Sofia was stomping in anger. I looked around trying to find a quick escape route in case of emergency. Rapid footsteps shook the ground; I drew my gun, pointing it in the direction of the sound. 

"Boss, he took both of them into his car," Julian called out before running behind the large group of people.

"Merda," Sofia cursed loudly.

White knuckles from clenching my fist too hard, and gritted teeth as an effort to remain silent, I punched the wall next to me. My face was red with suppressed rage, and when Marcus set a finger on my shoulder, I swung around, baring my teeth. Marcus tilted his head to the side, lifting an eyebrow. I closed my eyes, massaging my knuckles that were bright red. 

We ran behind the large group of people, trying to find Laura and Aarina. 

"Help," A low voice croaked, "please...somebody help me."

I raised my gun, slowly walking towards the voice; I pushed open the door, aiming my rifle towards the person on the floor. I froze in place; eyes widened at the sight in front of me. Aarina laid in the small room, with a small lightbulb illuminating it, hands cuffed behind her back, legs tied together with rope and bloodstains all over her clothes. Her face was red and tearstreaked, covered in gashes of blood and runny mascara. I fell to the ground, getting out a knife and cutting the ropes on her legs. I could feel her whole body trembling under my touch, her breath heavy and shakey. My own hands shook in anger as I tried to uncuff her. She placed a hand on my arm, looking deep into my eyes—her brown hair a tangled mess and her brown eyes bloodshot.

"Hideo," she rasped, "took Laura."


Translation (Italian):

Si, Capo means yes boss

Medra means Shit

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