Chapter Nine

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The car stopped with a screech in front of the Marino Manor.

"Get out," Luka commanded.

"What are-" I started.

"Get out!" He yelled, shoving his door open.

Heart pounding, I got out of the car. Luka grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards the main entrance. My head was still spinning. Goodness, why does this have to happen when I'm hungover? I could feel the painkillers working. The butlers opened the main door for us, and Luka pulled me forward by my wrist. 

"What the hell, Aarina?" Luka yelled, "I gave you one God damn rule, and you couldn't even follow that? Are you that incapable of listening?"

Footsteps emerged from the room to our right. Luka's mother came out, staring at her son. I looked up at Luka's dark, angry eyes, that made me want to run away. 

"Son..." Alessia soothed.

Luka's hand shot up, silencing his mother, "Not now, Madre."

Alessia walked over to her son, placing a hand on his arm, "son."

He looked over at his mother, eyes immediately softening. He took a deep breath in, before walking up the stairs and disappearing into one of the rooms. Alessia held my shoulders, pulling me into the family room, and sitting me on the couch.

"My child, what happened?" She asked with such softness, just like she was talking to her own daughter. Her tone struck something in my heart, which made my eyes well up with tears. I fought them, but I lost, tears falling down my cheeks.

"I-I went out to drink yesterday," I sobbed, "since it was my birthday and I was hungover this morning. I overlooked the tinted glass walls and walked into Luka - ah Mr Marino doing whatever that was."

Alessia passed tissues to me, wiping my tears away, "Oh honey, that's nothing to cry about. What are you actually crying about?"

I blinked, "how do you know that?"

She laughed, "I married a Mafia boss and had three children. You already know Luka. I learnt to scan emotions; now what are you crying about?"

I sniffed, "my parents died when I was young, so when you asked me what's wrong, it felt nice. I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry about Aarina. I am sorry about your parents," she consoled, "Luka never told you?"

"Told me what?"

"That he is a Mafia boss?"

My eyes widened, Oh, the headache is back, "w-what? He's a what?!"

"Mafia boss," Luka said from behind me. He had changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants, "I asked you that if you were to walk into a room and see me doing illegal things would you rat me out, you said no."

"That's-" I started; I was at a loss of words.

"Luka, you don't hire a PA, not telling them the full story," his mother lectured.

"What did you want me to say, Ma? Hi, I'm Luka Marino, leader of the Italian mafia, you are going to be my assistant in doing illegal things?" He acted.

"Behave, Luka," Alessia scolded.

"Sorry," Luka grumbled, "well, I don't do bad things."

"You were buying cocaine when I walked in," I scoffed.

"I make people, Miss De Niro. I help homeless, helpless, poor people become something. I give them jobs."

"No, you use their situation against them. A poor person would do anything for money; you're manipulating them for your own benefit," I retorted.

"Tread lightly, Miss De Niro, I gave you a job. Am I manipulating you?"

"Yes, you are! You didn't tell me that you had an illegal private business!"

"I help people get opportunities to grow. Illegal or not; they take the chance, and then they grow. There are so many people we helped that became rich and famous. I help people."

I searched his eyes for something to hold onto, anything. Something that showed me that this was the same man I met four months ago. 

"Aren't you scared you'll get caught?" I asked softly.

Luka laughed, "most of my suppliers and customers are politicians. If they arrest me and a case is formed, they would expose themselves. Politics is a filthy sport."

"What would happen if I went to the police right now?" I asked.

"Nothing," he smirked, "they'd think you're a psychopath. I have connections in the police as well. Did you know the head of the defence ministry is a heroin addict? And his wife is a sex worker? In my club?"

My head was spinning at unbelievable speeds. I needed to lay down. 

"Aarina?" Luka called out, "Aarina!"



My eyes fluttered open. Groaning, I pulled the covers over my head, rolling on my side, fully expecting to fall off my bed. Wait? There is more bed? I extended my hand, tapping the surface. More bed? I forced my eyes open to see the grey silk sheets I was on. Jolting up, I looked around the room I was in; white walls with paintings displayed, a chandelier dangled in the centre of the ceiling, wardrobes lined the wall to my right, stopped before a door that I guessed led into the bathroom. Where am I? 

I pushed myself up, walking into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a navy blue silk night suit; my makeup was wiped off, and there was some weird cream on my neck, covering the hickeys.

I washed my face, removing the cream from my neck and made my way out of the room. Looking around, I realised that I was in the Marino Manor. I walked down the cold stairs, spotting Luka sitting on the steps. He turned around, standing up when he noticed me.

"Hey," he spoke, "how are you feeling?"

"Fine," I replied, "what happened?" 

"You passed out; my mother told me it's because you were hungover?"

"O-oh yeah," I stuttered due to my embarrassment. I pointed at my clothes, "who changed m-"

"Not me. Don't worry. One of my sister's maids helped. I was waiting for you, come have breakfast with me."

We walked into the dining hall, where there was a dining table that could seat twenty people. Luka sat at the head of the table, beckoning me to sit next to him. Servers came out, holding plates of food, placing them in front of us. Luka began eating the colourful food in front of him.

I cleared my throat, "I've been thinking."

Luka wiped his mouth, "should I be worried?"

"No," I laughed, "well, maybe."

"Go ahead."

"I will be your personal assistant in all sections of your business on one condition."

Luka's eyes twinkled with excitement, "and that is?"

"Give my friends jobs; Not jobs that make them do illegal things. You have connections. Use them."

Luka ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek, "I don't like being told what to do Miss De Niro."

"I'm sure you wouldn't like not having a personal assistant even more. Deal?"

Luka studied my face before extending a hand, "deal."

I shook his hand, "Amélie studied fashion design and cosmetics, Payton studied law and Jian studied psychology."

Luka finished his food, sighing and stood up, "you are something else, Miss De Niro."


Translation (Italian):

Madre means mother.

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