Chapter 2

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Trying to gather their thoughts the group stares at the violently torn open cellar doors.

Jake: I say we go with Princesses original plan and regroup for about I dunno a week or two.

Marceline: I think we might be past that point.

Jake: Are you sure?

Finn: C'mon Jake.

Jake: D'oh....fine....if I get eaten none of you are invited to my funeral!

PB: Everyone becareful...we don't know what exactly is down there.

They begin their descent into the darkness. With Finn and Jake taking the lead the sunlight slowly disappears behind them.

Jake: So what's the plan?

Finn: We beat its face in and rescue Toffee....if he's still kickin.

Jake: Awesome.

Bubblegum grabs Marceline shoulder and hangs back a bit.

Bubblegum: *Whispering* Hey I know this might not be the best time, but what did you wanna talk about?

Marceline: *Whispering* Well...I've been having this memory come up, but I'm not exactly sure why. ..

PB: What was it about? If you don't mind me asking.

Marceline explains her memory

Marceline: I don't understand why its showing up now.

PB: Maybe it was something your subconscious got tired of hiding from you. Something you could only keep hidden from yourself for so long.

Marceline: I just wanna be able to get some decent sleep....

PB: Take it one step at a time and you'll be fine. If you want I could help you once this over.

Marceline: Thanks Bonnie.

Finn: *Whispering* Guys! Check it out!

They catch up with Finn and Jake who are hiding behind a large rock. Ahead of them a circular room with various jagged rocks that lined the floor and ceiling and in the back of the room the large creature slept.

Finn: Okay here's the plan. I'll jump in with my sword and plant it onto it's back. Marceline you fly up and hit it with your axe. Hopefully if its seeing stars Jake can stretch around and bind it.

PB: What should I do?

Finn: If things go to plan once Jake tries it up you shoot it with this.

Finn pulls a crossbow and tranquilizers from his backpack.

Finn: I got it from Toff before know got-got.

PB: Okay. Everyone we got this.

Everyone bumps their fist as they enact Finn's plan. Finn climbs a rock and pulls out his sword. Taking a deep breath he leaps into the air and tells. The creature groggy awakes as Finn plunges his sword into its shoulder. It begins to thrash around from the pain. Finn holds on for dear life as he shouts.

Finn: Marceline now!

Marceline quickly flies up to its face and wacks it with her axe. As it spins around she notice something about the creature.

Marceline: Wait! Hold on guys! Its not-

Jake: Comin through!!

Jake stretches past Marceline and stars to wrap around the creature. Its roaring growing louder and more pained.

Marceline: Wait! Hold on!

Marceline pleas were drowned out from the sound of the creature slamming itself into the wall trying to get Jake to release it. Bubblegum takes aim and shoots a bolt hitting and exposed part of its leg. Finn could feel the monster slowing its movements.

Finn: Quick PB! We need one more!

She loads one more and takes aim.

Marceline: Wait Bonnie! It's not a monster!

PB: What?!

She let's the bolt fly as it manages to strike the creature right between the eyes. Jake releases it as it falls to its knees. The group look a Bubblegum.

PB: *Ahem* Just as I calculated.

The creature slowly lies down and closes its eyes.

Finn: Yes! We got the monster!

Marceline: Ugh! It's not a monster!

Jake: Its not?

Marceline: No!

The creature starts to shrink down  as the others watch. Bubblegum studies its features carefully from the distance.

PB: Wait is that.....Its a......Vampire?

Marceline: is.

Jake: Uhh....its a guy. Don't ask how I know, but just keep it above eye level.

Marceline and Bubblegum blush as they close thier eyes.

Finn: I'll take care of that.

He pulls a blanket out of his backpack and throws it over the unconscious vampire.

Finn: Alright he's decent....kinda.

Jake: So....Not to be that guy I'm gonna assume Toffee is—

???: Hello! Up here!

Looking up they see Toffee hanging from his leg.

Toffee: I don't know how long my caramel will keep sticking!

PB: Hang on we got you!

Jake: Perfectly fine and safe is what I was gonna say by the way.

PB: After we get Toffee down we should take this guy back to the lab and see what his deal is.

Marceline: Your gonna cage him like an animal?

PB: He did attack us and not to mention an entire village.

Toffee: Well shucks maybe monster huntin isn't for me. If y'all excuse me I'm off to....I dunno be a farmer or something.

Finn: If you see any of the other candy people let'em know the monster's gone!

Toffee: Will do!

PB: Alright everyone good work. Jake if you could do us the favour of dropping this guy off at the truck.

Jake: Wha - why me?!

Finn: Stretch powers ma dude.

Jake: .........This guy owes me when he wakes up!

Finn: Just don't touch the naked bits and you'll be fine.

Jake: Awww! Why'd you have to remind me about the bits!

Jake carefully stretches his hand over the unconscious vampire and carefully carries him to the truck. As the others were about to follow PB notice Marceline picking something up off the floor.

PB: What's that?

Marceline: I know him...he's the guy from my memory! Look!

She runs to Bubblegum and shows her a pocket watch. Inside the watch was broken, but next to it was a picture of two young vampires hugging eachother.

Marceline: That's....that's me.

PB: long ago was this?

Marceline: Pretty long....this was before I even found Simon.

PB: Well if it'll help you out Marcy I will personally care for your friend.

Marceline: Thanks Bon-Bon.

Adventure Time : Memories (2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang