Chapter 9

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Y/N: ......*Sigh*.....

Y/N sat on a cliff edge over looking Ooo and much of Candy Kingdom. He buried his head into his legs and tried to think of what to do next.

Y/N: Maybe I should go back to the old city.....its perfect for things ment to be forgotten....though on the upside...I....uhh.....I don't really see one....*sigh*

???: Yo dude!

Y/N: Hmm?

Y/N looks behind him and sees one of Marceline's friend Jake stretching over towards him.

Jake: What gives? why you up here all by your lonesome?

Y/N: ........I think I messed up real bad....

Jake: You know I could give you some advice. If you want it that is. Feel free to spil it to cool old uncle Jakey.

Y/N gives Jake and odd look, but something about him made him feel somewhat calm.

Y/N: I dunno man.....have you ever felt like its to late to be apart of someone's life? Like any chance you had just *Poof!*

Jake: Is this because you feel like Marceline forgot about you now you don't feel like you don't really fit into her new biz?

Y/N: I–yea exactly!.......

Jake: What?

Y/N: That sounds way too good to have been just a guess.

Jake: Finn said you were lookin kinda down after he told you some stories.

Y/N: Huh....well....what do you think?

Jake: Hmm....who cares.

Y/N: What?

Jake: Your over thinking this stuff. Like yea you missed a huge amount of her a lot, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be there for the rest of it. I've like 5 kids of my own and then several grandkids on top of that. I might not have time for all of them and I might end up missing some major events of there life, but I make sure I'm there for the next one....or at least lady makes sure.

Y/N: Huh....

Jake: All I'm saying is you still have a chance to be apart of her life.

Y/N: Hey Jake.....Why were you out here anyway?

Jake: Its time for my yearly checkup and the doc is nice and all, but the shots and I don't really gel together.

Finn: Jake!!

Doc: Jake!!!

Jake: Gotta run!

With that Jake grows and starts to carefully run through the forest.

Jake: I'd rather die!!

Y/N chuckles as he thinks about what Jake said.

Y/N: *Sigh* I'm gonna have to go apologize. Why did I have to make a scene.

Before Y/N could go look for Marceline he spots something beneath the cliff.

Y/N: that a mutant?

As he flies down closer he see the green fluid leaking mutant shambling around.

Y/N: Hey little fella! What are you doing way out here?

The mutant tries to grab Y/N but he jumps back and starts to laugh.

Y/N: Almost got me that time! What! Hehe gotta do better then that!

Unknown to Y/N a small horde began to clump up together behind him.

Y/N: I forgot how fun it was to—

He stops when he sees a growing shadow behind him.


Marceline flies quickly through Ooo looking for Y/N.

Marceline: Where is he....

She spots Finn shouting into the forest.

Finn: Jake! Come on man! I wanna get this over and go home!

Doc: Please! I've other patients waiting!

Marceline: Hey have you guys seen Y/N anywhere?

Finn: No've seen Jake any where?

Doc: He's due for a shot and we can't seem to find him.

Marceline: Hol up a sec.

Marceline sniffs the air and dives into a bush nearby.

Jake: Hey! What! Stop!

She emerges carrying Jake in her hand.

Marceline: Here.

Jake: Traitor!

While Jake tries to stretch to freedom the Doctor quickly jab a syringe in him.

Jake: Ouchies!!

Marceline: Jake Before you pass out have you seen Y/N?

Jake: Yea he was–Oh feelin dizzy– back at that cliff over

Doc: Oh good, the medicine kicked in.

Finn: I'll take it from here Doc. Hope you find Y/N Marcy.

Marceline: Thanks Finn.

She flies towards the cliff deep in her thoughts.

Marceline: (I need to apologize to'd been so long I thought he was actually gone for good. Those days he laid awake staring at the I see him in the middle of night sweating....Agh! I should have picked up on something being wrong!)

As she neared the cliff something flies past her and slams into several trees. Looking back she sees Y/N transforming back into his normal self.

Marceline: Y/N!

Marceline stops to fly back, but sees a giant hand swinging towards her. Dodging it and flying higher she sees a small horde of mutants had fused together to form a bigger and stronger one.

Marceline: What the heck! These things can do that!?

Y/N: Marceline.....

Marceline: Hang on Y/N! Whoa!

The mutant cluster jumps and stretches its arm using some of itself to reach further and manages to grab Marceline's leg and flings her towards the cliffs.

Y/N: Back off Candy reject!

It turns as Y/N flies fast in its direction  and kicks its head knocking it off.

Y/N: At least this way your easier to look at.

It's head suddenly regrows

Y/N: ........Huh......didn't uh......didn't think that was a possibility.

It roars while attempting to grab him. The Mutant begins to throw punches trying to hit Y/N. As he dodges he notices how hard the hits were.

Y/N: It can't pull itself back together if it's mush......that's i—and I got distracted talking to myself.

Y/N is hit and slams into the Cliffside next to Marceline.

Marceline: You okay?

Y/N: Been better....and you?

Marceline: Trying not to complain...what do we about him?

Y/N: Uh.....

Y/N looks around

Y/N: I think I've might have one. Follow me!

Marceline: Okay!

The duo fly into the air as the Mutant climbs the cliff after them.

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