Chapter 4

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Marceline slowly floated down the stairs. She could hear the claws of the Vampire scraping against the floor. She reaches the bottom and peaks around the corner. Inside the Vampire (in its beast form) stalked a group of Candy people who were taking refuge inside a cell.

Candy Citizen: Please just go away!

He roars loudly making them shake in fear. Marceline turns invisible and grabs a rock. She tosses it to the far end to lure It away.

Marceline: Come on....

The Vampire attention is drawn away from the candy people. Marceline quickly flies over and opens the door.

Marceline: *Whispering* Come on! Get out now!

They quickly run towards the exit.

Candy Citizen: *Whispering* Thank you gob!

Marceline: *Whispering* Uhh....your welcome...

As she turns shes hit by the Vampires hand slamming her against the wall.

Marceline: Ow...hey! Wait-!

She rolls out of the way as the vampire slams itself against the wall. Marceline quickly reaches into her pocket and pulls out the watch.

Marceline: Please work...

As the Vampire shakes off the rubble it spots Marceline and quickly charges at her again. Marceline stands her ground and raises the watch into the air.

The Vampire comes to a sudden halt as it spots the watch. Marceline slowly pulls out the the faded picture she had drawn years ago.

Marceline: (Y/N)?....Do you remember me?

Marceline opens the pocket watch and holds the picture inside next to hers.

???: ........(*Distorted Voice) Marceline?

Y/N slowly changes back into his normal self. He squints a bit walking towards her.

Y/N: No.....this is another trick isn't it...Y-yea! It has to be.

Marceline begins to worry as Y/N grabs the sides of his head and starts to talk to himself.

Y/N: Yeah that makes since right? It's been years since....since....

Marceline slowly approaches Y/N. Placing a hand on his shoulder makes him gasp lightly. She cups his face and meets his eyes.

Marceline: I'm here....this isn't...

Marceline begins to tear up

Marceline: This isn't a dream...

The two stare into thier eyes in silence before hugging.


PB: Alright Guys! Keep those weapons aimed at the door. The minute it shows itself fire the sticky gum.

Candy Army: Roger!

Peppermint Butler: Weren't we allowed to use lethal force miss?

Peppermint Butler walks up to Bubblegum's side fully loaded with several weapons.

PB: That was before we found all this gunk hidden in the security room.

Peppermint Butler: Fudge.

PB: Besides-

Marceline: Yo PB! Things are okay now.

Marceline emerges from the dungeon, behind her Y/N looking around.

Candy General: There He Is! FIRE!

PB: Wait! Hold Fire!

Before her words could be heard a hail of gum was fired at Y/N. Before he could react he found himself covered from head to toe in gum. Marceline carefully peeled back the gum from his head.

Y/N: Okay...I deserve that...and I'm pretty sure I'm sick of candy by this point.

Marceline looks over to Bubblegum with an annoyed expression.

PB: Eh heh heh....whoops...m-my bad.


After hours of careful pealing and de-gumming Y/N was fully freed. He immediately stretched and took in a large amount of air.

Y/N: *Exhales* Ahh! That air! This freedom! It all feels amazing!

Marceline: You were only trapped a couple of hours.

Y/N: A couple of long hours.

Y/N floats over to Bubblegum whose pulling gum off of some scissors.

Y/N: Listen...I'm uh...really sorry bout all this mess....

PB: Its no biggie...Believe it or not this isn't the worst this place has been.

Y/N: Well I feel slightly better knowing that.

Marceline: You got a place to stay?

Y/N: Nope! I've been a nomad for the past few years.

Marceline: You can stay with me until you find some place to stay you know.

Y/N: Cool.

PB: Woah! Before for we continue this whole bizz I've gotta know.

Y/N: Know? Know what?

PB: The Heck were you doing attacking Candy people?

Y/N: Attacking Can-Oh! No No No! This is just a huge and strange misunderstanding.

PB: How so??

Y/N: Well...when I first arrived to that town I went to a nearby river to myself a drink. I heard some screams behind me, but when I did look there wasn't anyone there...just bits and pieces of stuff on the floor.

PB: But then why did you attack Toffee?

Y/N: Who?

Marceline: You know...the cowboy? Or was he a monster hunter?

Y/N: Hmm....Sorry doesn't ring a bell. After finding a barn to nap in everything after that is kinda hazy.

PB: ......Okay...That's all.

Y/N: Really? Just like that?

PB: Yep.

Y/N: Awesome!

Y/N fly's to the outside of the castle and hovers in the air. Before Marceline could join him Bubblegum grabs her shirt.

PB: Listen Marceline...I'm really happy about you finding an old friend, but....

Marceline: But?

PB: Something isn't adding up here...Just...just keep an eye on him.

Marceline: Something wrong?

PB: Well-

Y/N: Marceline! You good? Kinda don't wanna wait to see your digs! Also I may or may not be look forward to a shower!......that sounded weird be said out loud! Just ignore that!

PB: Nevermind Marcy. Go catch up with your friend.

Marceline: Okay...well see you later Bubblegum.

She flies up next to Y/N and they take off shortly after.

Y/N: She seems nice.

Marceline: Yea...shes pretty cool.

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