Chapter 1

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A young vampire boy and girl walk through a destroyed and deserted city. Both joyfully running around and having fun.

Marceline: Bet you can't catch me Y/N!

Y/N: Bet I can!

They chase after one another until they stop infront of an old candy shop.

Y/N: I'm hungry.

Marceline: Let's grab something inside!

Y/N: Yea!

They push the doors open and they swing off their hinges falling hard to the floor.

Y/N: Oops.

Marceline: We'll leave a note!

Y/N: But I can't spell.

Marceline: And I can't write.

Y/N & Marceline: Oh well.

Continuing to look around the shop they find some unopened bags of candy. Y/N opens one only to find dust inside. Marceline opens another and finds the same.

Y/N: *Cough* *cough* Rats!

Marceline: *Cough* Don't worry Y/N! We still have places to look around! Like back here!

Marceline opens a door that lead to the back of the store. Low moans could be heard coming from the inside. The pair slowly back away as they hear it grow louder and louder.

Y/N: Uhh...Marcy...I think we shoud–

A sudden candy zombie bursts out of the office and grabs Y/N by his ankle.

Y/N: Marceline!

Marceline: Y/N!

Marceline quickly grabs his hand and pulls while trying to look around  for something to fight them off with. Her grip begins to slip.

Y/N: Marceline! Get outta—

He's suddenly pulled inside as the door slams shut. Marceline quickly runs over and starts to pounds the door as hard as she could.

Marceline: Give him back! Please! Give him back!

With tears in her eyes she drops to her knees and cries in her lap......

(Night time) (Current Day Ooo)

Marceline jumped awake and ran to her bathroom splashing her face to calm herself. She wipes her face and looks at herself in the mirror. Light bags under her eyes made her realise how tired she was.

Marceline: *sigh* What's wrong with me? Why am I suddenly remembering this....Ugh!

She grabs some water and writes a note.

*Need to see PB.*

She stretches and yawn before hover back to her bed and going back to sleep.


Bright and early she awakes and leaves for the Candy Kingdom. Once their she greets the guards.

Marceline: Hey. Is PB around?

Banana Guard 1: Yes! She is!

Banana Guard 2: You dummy she isn't!

Banana guard 1: Yeah she is!

Banana guard 2: Nuh uh! Remember she was gonna leave to help the town with the monster.

Banana Guard 1: Yea, but she was waiting for Finn and Jake!

Marceline watches as they continue to argue with eachother. Finn and Jake walk up next soon after.

Jake: What uh...what's goin on here?

Adventure Time : Memories (2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora