Chapter 3

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???: (Marceline Run!) *Gasp!

The Vampire boy woke up trying to gasp for air. His heart beating quickly and his vision blurry. His surroundings weren't one he was familiar with. Looking at himself he sees several needles and tubes going in and out of him.

???: (Thirsty...)

He looks around and sees a pitcher of water nearby. He groggy slumps out of his bed and wobbles over. He briefly looks at the cup sitting beside it before slowly pushing it off to the side. With one quick motion he grabs the pitcher and chugs the water.

???: (Ahhh....that feels so much better.) *Cough* *Cough* kinda hurts to talk...

He starts to pull out the needles and tubing before finding a bathrobe.

???: *Sigh* (This is gonna have to do....)

You started to float out and make your way into the hallway trying not knock down anymore of the expensive things on display.


Bubblegum walks and talks with Peppermint Butler. Heading towards the infirmary Peppermint Butler pulls out a notepad and begins to writes down what Bubblegum says.

PB: Were gonna need to run some tests on him to make sure nothing wrong with his-

Once they reach the infirmary Bubblegum stops.

PB: What the flip!

She starts to run around the room looking for the Vampire.

P. Butler: Shall I alert the guards?

PB: Yes! And make absolutely sure they know not to harm him!

P. Butler: Yes Madem!

He quickly takes off as Bubblegum heads towards the security room.


The Vampire Boy finds himself near the entrance of the Castle.

???: *Inhales* Ah...fresh air...more importantly freedom.


???: Huh?

Looking around he sees a closed door.

???: I-its okay...Its just a regular...old-


His breathing slowly begins to speed up. His vision started to warp as the noise from the door grew louder and louder. He floated backwards and tried to remain calm.

???: Its fine Its fine Its fine Its-

The door flings open as the Vampire holds his breath. A low groaning could be heard coming from the room as a bruised banana guard drags himself out of the room.

Banana Guard: Ouch....I guess it is possible to slip on your self.

He looks up and see the Vampire boy hovering in place with his head down.

Banana Guard: Oh hey! Your the guy-*clicks radio* Princess! I found the guy!

PB: *Radio static* Where??

Banana guard: *Clicks radio* Outside the lockers.

Bubblegum sitting in the security room flips through the camera feeds until she finds the one outside the locker room. She watches the guard approache the Vampire.

Banana Guard: Hey buddy we need to get back to the-

Bubblegum watches as the Vampire lunges at the guard taking several bites out of him before fleeing.

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