Chapter 5

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Y/N: You never really know how much you'll miss a good shower until it's been awhile.

Y/N dryed himself off while Marceline found and left some new clothes by her bed.

Y/N: I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again....I like your house.

Marceline: Yea its cool.

He slips into his new clothes and heads down into the living room. Marceline dips into the kitchen grabs an apple and tosses it over to Y/N.

Marceline: Heads up!

Y/N catches it and digs his fangs in sucking out the red color from it.

Y/N: Oh man that hits the spot...

He floats down to the couch and lays down to enjoy every last bit of the apple.

Marceline: Hey Y/N?

Y/N: Sup?

Marceline: What happened know...

Y/N: Well...I got lucky.

Marceline: What?

Y/N: Some debris got lose and fell onto those "things" and I escaped.

Marceline: Why didn't you look for me?

Y/N sits up and starts to fiddle with the apple.

Y/N: I did...I looped around back where we were, but I didn't see you anywhere....I wasn't sure if know....I tried shouting your name, but as it turns out those things also like loud noises.

Y/N stares at the apple for a couple of seconds before shaking his head.

Y/N: Enough about my side...what about you? Where in the H.E. Double Hocky sticks did you go?

Marceline: Well.....those things chased after me. After a bit I ran into someone....someone that helped me out now that I think about it.

Y/N: Any chance this person still around?

Marceline: Yea. He actually doesn't live to far from here.

Y/N: (He?) Well...there's no reason not to pay him a visit!

Marceline: Its the dead of night.

Y/N: Oh right....things sleep.

Marceline: You want me to get you some blankets? Or a pillow?

Y/N: I'm good. Just gonna watch some TV then turn in later.

Marceline: All right well I'm done for the day...night Y/N.

Y/N: Night Marceline.

She floats up into her room as Y/N lays on the couch.

Y/N: (I'm good...I'm safe...I'm-)

He sits up and stares at the door. The wind howling out side made him nervous.

Y/N: I-I'll just wait a couple of minutes....then I'll get some shut eye....yea....

(The Next Day...)

Marceline groggy awakes and floats down into her kitchen and make herself a cup of coffee. Taking a small sip she stops when she sees Y/N staring at the front door. She floats over and waves her hand infront of his face.

Y/N: *unblinking* Morning Marcy.

Marceline: Morning...everything good?

Y/N: *Yawn* Yep...gooooooood.

She slowly places the coffee against his lips....Y/N slowly sips from the cup.

Y/N: Oh yea....that's the good stuff.

Marceline hands him the coffee as she makes another for herself.

Marceline: You sure your okay?

Y/N takes a much larger sip from his cup.

Y/N: Of course! I can't wait to meet this mystery saviour of your!

Marceline chuckles to herself

Marceline: All right then. Let's go.

(Somewhere In Ooo)

An older man walks outside of his home to water some plants.

???: Oh don't worry...I know you guys needed to drink too. Grow big and strong my little ones.

As he moves over too water the others there suddenly crushed by someone's foot.

???: Wha-Hey! What the big-?

He looks up and sees Marceline and Y/N. Marceline face palming as Y/N slowly floats back up.

Y/N: .............I gotta be honest, I thought I was much further from the ground then that.

Marceline: Sorry about that Simon.

Simon: Oh its alright. It's good to see you Marceline.

Marceline and Simon hug.

Simon: And uhh who's this?

Y/N Rushes forward and out stretches his hand.

Y/N: Names Y/N! Old friend of Marceline and accidental flower stomper!

Simon: ................

Marceline pinches the bridge of her nose.

Y/N: I am incredibly nervous and that um...kinda....slipped out there....again I'm really sorry.

Simon: Oh its alright...Come in Come in.

Y/N and Marceline float into his home taking in how everything was well kept and in order.

Marceline: Where's Betty?

Simon: Oh shes out in the wizard market. She should be back what brings you here?

Marceline nudges Y/N.

Y/N: Oh! Right.

Y/N grabs and shakes Simon's hand.

Y/N: I hear your the one that rescued Marceline long ago. I wanted to thank you for it.

Simon: Oh it was nothing....I couldn't leave her all by her lonesome. Please have a seat you two.

Simon hands them both a sandwich. Y/N without hesitation begins to eat while he listens to Marceline and Simon talk for a bit.

Y/N: (*This Simon guy isn't so bad after all....*Munch Munch* I wonder what this Betty person is li -*)

Multiple rapid knocks interrupt Y/N thoughts. His focus shifted from Marcy and Simon directly towards the door.

Marceline: Must be Bets...I'll get it.

As she walks over Simon notices your unblinking stare. He see the handles of the chair slowly being crushed under his hand.

Simon: Hey...are you all right?

Marceline opens the door

Betty: Oh! Marcy! I didn't know you were gonna drop by!

She gives Marceline a hug. Simon sees Y/N grip loosen.

Y/N: *Heavy Sigh* Its alright...its okay...

He says I'm a low voice hopping no one notices.

Simon: Hmm....

Adventure Time : Memories (2)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora