Chapter 13

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(7 Months Later....)

Marceline: Okay, dude you just need to relax.

Y/N: That's real easy for you to say- Ouch!

Doc: And were done! See that wasn't so bad right?

Y/N: *Grumble Grumble*

Marceline: So what's the verdict?

Doc: Well, you both are the picture of know besides the lack of a pulse....but yea your both cleared for the nightosphere.

Y/N: Awesome. I can't www....I can't www....I can't wait!

Doc: .........What was that about?

Marceline: He's just nervous. We're going over to meet my dad.

Y/N: Yyyyyyup! Good ol king of the nightosphere.

Marceline: Y/N.

Y/N: I-I-I'm fine I'll be absolutely fine. Hahahahahahahaa!!

Y/N walks out of doc's office slamming into and through the wall.

Marceline: I can get someone to fix that.

Doc: Eh...don't worry about it. I'm more worried about your boyfriend. He seems.....enthusiastic I say sarcastically.

Marceline: Eh....He'll be fine.

Marceline leaves to find her wondering boyfriend. Eventually finding him laying face first against a tree.

Marceline: You seem pretty relaxed.

Y/N: *Muffled* Yup....relaxed.

Marceline: Would it help if gave you something to relax?

Y/N: *Muffled* Like what?

Marceline gives Y/N a quick peak on the cheek. He suddenly stands

Y/N: Okay! Let's do this! I'm ready!

Marceline: *Chuckes* Calm down weirdo.

Y/N: Yes, but I'm your weirdo.

Marceline: Touchè you ready to go?

Y/N: Just a sec...gotta head home and pick something up.

Marceline: Back at your place?

Y/N: Yup. A gift for your dad.

Marceline: You know you didn't have to.

Y/N: I only get one shot a first impression and I don't wanna mess this up. Plus I forget to water the plants and I don't need ghost flowers hunting me.

They fly into the sky and head towards Y/N's home.

Y/N: You think your dad might eat my soul?

Marceline: .....Maybe.

Y/N: Oh.


They arrive at a forest stop just in front of a large wall of vines that wrapped around several trees. They walk towards and threw it emerging out the other side. A small house with white walls and a blue rooftop sat in the middle next to a small garden. Y/N picks up a water hose and turns on it on.

Y/N: Make yourself at might take a sec or two.

Marceline: Kay.

Marceline heads inside leaving Y/N to his plants. Looking around she sees several instruments laying around. A piano, guitar, bass and something to record.

Marceline: *Yelling* Y/N! When did you get this stuff?

Y/N: Which!

Marceline: The instruments!

Y/N: Oh! I found them at a flee market months ago! And-!

Marceline: ..........And?........Y/N?

Y/N walks in completely soaked from head to toe.

Y/N: And I've been practicing....

Marceline: What happened to you?

Y/N: The hose decided to fight if you'll excuse me I've gotta change.

Marceline: Hey! What'd you get my dad anyway?

Y/N: *Yelling* Its on the table!

Marceline looks around and spots a Mini Cactus. She picks it up and looks it over.

Marceline: Thats really cute.

Y/N: Jim appreciates that!

Marceline: Jim? Did you name the Cactus?

Y/N: I'm the weirdo remember?-Whoa!

Y/N tumbles out of his room and into the living room. His arms caught in his shirt which also covered his face. The view of an half naked Y/N made Marceline blush and almost drop Jim.

Y/N: Little help?

Marceline: ..........

Y/N: Uh....Marceline? You there?

Marceline: Yup....hey....I've got an idea...

Y/N: An idea?

Marceline: Y-yea....just work with me here...

As Y/N stands and tries to fix his situation Marceline puts the Mini Cactus back onto the table and tackles Y/N onto the couch.

Y/N: M-Marceline?

Y/N could feel her suddenly becoming warm. Though his view was still blocked by his shirt he could hear Marceline breathing become heavy.

Marceline: I....I know that your still pretty tensed about this...and well....I know something that might help you...

Y/N: H-H-Help me?

Y/N spoke nervously. His shirt is suddenly pulled off.

Y/N: Okay I'll bite! What's the I...I...I....

His attention captured by what laid on him. Marceline leans close to his ear whispering

Marceline: We don't have to see my dad so soon.....we've got some time to spare...

Y/N: Oh....Oh!

Y/N begins to blush as Marceline starts to remove some clothing....

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