9. "Can you swim?"

Start from the beginning

I held my hands behind my back, keeping silent as I listened for any wanderers.

"No, no, no!" Juan begged, trying his hardest to fight Vince and Ronnie off, but he didn't get anywhere. Every time he would attempt to scream, they'd jab him in the stomach until he became winded. Shortly after, they tied his hands and feet together, making it impossible for him to squirm.

I tried to avoid watching and thinking about how much I wanted that drink. Cassie's probably pissed that I'm way over twenty minutes, but she probably fell asleep. She was pretty fucked up and finally seemed to be enjoying the trip. And she's not bad to talk to despite her bland facial expressions.

I jerked my head back, thinking that I heard something behind me, but it was too dark to tell. I was probably paranoid.

Noah stood tall with his hands in place, wanting this over just as much as I did.

Ronnie pushed Juan into the rails harder, clutching his hand around his throat before taking another jab at his face. His face dropped, unable to continue fighting even though he was tied up.

Ronnie grabbed the blade, showing it off as if he was proud to murder someone. And come to think of it, I'm just as bad for allowing it to happen. I'm sure I have a front-row seat to hell.

"Please!" Juan breathed out helplessly, hoping for a miracle. If it weren't for the fact I would get killed if I disrupted, I would've taken Ronnie, and I'm sure Noah would handle Vince.

"No one steals from the boss and gets away with it," Ronnie warned, forcefully striking him in the heart with the blade. I felt sick to my stomach, having to turn my head to the side. The sound effects were repeating in my head, over and over. And it wouldn't stop. I felt like a bitch ass bodyguard that couldn't do anything.

When I peaked to see if the job was done, Ronnie kept stabbing him like he enjoyed it. It boiled my blood that he fucking laughed like shit was a joke.

"That's enough." Vince noticed and stopped his partner from stabbing Juan's lifeless body. Then he threw the weapon in the water, observing his work.

"What do we do with the body," he asked.

"Let him swim with the fishes - boss's orders," Vince said as Ronnie agreed. They lifted his body in sync, counted to three, and tossed his dead body over the rails.

After the loud splash, Noah whistled, letting them know to hurry the fuck up so that we can leave.

"Call boss, let him know the job is done," Ronnie told Vince as he started to clean up the bloody mess. It wasn't too messy, but enough to leave evidence. Then we'd all be fucked.

With his burner phone in hand, he dialed the number to tell him the news he had been waiting to hear.

When they had finished, they flashed a light over the premises to make sure nothing was left behind or missed.

When the coast was clear, we followed Vince away from the rear to part ways. Just as I thought everything was going smoothly, an employee yelled, causing us all to separate. I ran in the opposite direction of Noah, taking a sharp left down another dark hall.

Fuck. That was close.


By the time I made it back to my side of the ship, I had ditched my clothes, taking time to get my mind straight. That could've ended badly for me if we got caught, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I could feel the anger and disgust rising in my body. I drew my fist back and punched the wall, waving my hand to rid the pain.

When I finally calmed down, I slowly started making my way to my suite. Hopefully, Noah would be good, already in bed or eating something. It slipped my mind that Brooklyn was still in our suite, hopefully sleeping. I didn't feel like listening or dealing with anything.

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