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We had been back in Judah's territory for nearly a  week. I laid in bed snuggled up beside Sinik, as we had since our arrival. We had fell into a comfortable routine where we spent every moment together, eating, sleeping, and of course being intimate.

Sinik was a great lover attentive, affectionate and his stamina was out of this world. His arm wrapped around me tighter as i attempted to get up from out of his embrace. 


"Stay" he demanded with his usual domineering gruff tone

"I have to pee though" I whined irritably

He grumbled as he reluctantly let me go, but before i could reach the bathroom a commotion just outside our hut sounded, startling us both. Sinik was immediately out of bed and throwing on clothes and racing outside. Not a moment later i was following, curious and fearful all at once

I hoped were weren't being attacked

But my worry quickly eased into elation. The fae had arrived, which meant my son was here at long last. I took of running toward the crowd that had gathered, leaving Sin behind. It had been too long since i had last seen him and i had missed him terribly.

"Taylen!!" i shouted as Rykell approached holding his hand 

He looked so grown up walking beside him, tears instantly sprang to my eyes as i looked him over,  hoping he still remembered me

"Hi baby" I cooed, waiting for his response

I half expected him to reject me, treat me like a stranger, but i was pleasantly surprised when he spoke

"Mama" His sweet voice brought fresh tears to my eyes

I scooped him up easily and held him for dear life. I couldn't help but sob into his little shoulder as i clutched him close. I knew how close i came to never seeing him again. If Dakkar had had his way...

Just then Sinik appeared on my right as Taron did on my left. He looked at our son with love and patiently waited for his turn to greet him. Finally i let up and handed him to Taron who took him in his arms. He didn't sob with happiness as i did  but, the water in his eyes said he was  definitely  holding back some strong emotions

I then turned my attention to the rest of the arriving group.

I hugged Rykell tightly just as my father and mother emerged. She threw herself into Rykell's arms hugging him as  hard as i did Taylen. I smiled at their obvious bond watching as my father then took Taylen into his arms followed by my mother, who cooed over him lovingly.

"He is amazing isn't he?" Taron commented 

"Yes he is. Truthfully the one thing we got right" i replied my eyes still fixed on my boy

"Ayla i just wanted to say-"

"Ayla it is time for training" Sinik said interrupting what it was Taron was attempting to say

Taron let out a huff of indignation at the intrusion 

Can it wait i have s-"

"NO!, it  cannot. The ambush takes place in 2 weeks. If  she is to be prepared she needs all the training she can get" Sinik barked

"But.... Taylen just got back cant-"

"Do you want to lose him to your erratic powers again, Ayla?. This time might be permanent"  he spat 

Fear filled me as  I instantly recalled the lost time spent in  a blinded rage of revenge and bloodlust. Lowering my shoulders in defeat i replied reluctantly 


"Then we need to train. I promise you there will be plenty of time for everything else when its over. I do not wish to keep you from your son but I also desire for you to live long enough to raise him into a man"

"Ok"  I stated obediently  following him away from the group

Several feet away Sinik turned and snatched my chin, tilting it upward to face him as he placed a delicate kiss on my lips

"I know i may appear harsh and uncompromising  but i have never been a gentle male. I assume that is one thing you have always admired in me. I have also, never been one to allow those i care for to take unnecessary risks with their lives. I love you Ayla, and because of this i will do whatever it takes to protect and keep you sane and alive. Even if you hate me for it in the end"

Sinik I dont hate you. I could never. I understand, believe me i do. As much as i want to spend all my time reuniting with Taylen. I know his survival,  depends on more than my hugs and kisses. All our ours do"

Sinik grinned proudly before releasing me and stepping back

"That's my girl, Now come show me what you have learned".............................




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