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"Sir she is secured in the dungeon"

Good make certain no one steps foot inside not even the guards 

"B..but sir what about food and wa-"

"NONE!" i barked "she will get neither until she complies!!"

He lowered his head immediately at the sight of my temper

"Yes sir" 

I sat on throne reveling in my new victory. She may have succeeded in killing my father but she wouldn't be so lucky with me. I had recaptured her single-handily. My lovely, powerful bride. Now i would make sure she never escaped again

My friend and advisor stood nearby eyeing me as i gloated 

"Sir if i may ask,  what do you plan to do?. Your father is dead and there is no one els-"

"I plan to finish what he started. His vision was for the physics to rule all other races me in particular." 

"Yes, but that was before the dragons were discovered and released. Now all  the races have begun to unite . Perhaps we S-"

"Romi, Do i have to worry where your loyalties lie. Have you begun to have doubts about my ability to lead?" i demanded with a ugly sneer

"Never my lord!"

"then shut up and follow me without protest and i assure you, you will receive the highest honor when this is all over and i am ruler of all"

"Yes sir" He agreed submissively

My thoughts strayed to my bride. Ayla did not understand my vision didn't share it. But that was of no consequence she would eventually. She was the most powerful female born in centuries, even more so than me. And we shared a common trait, both of us being rare hybrids

We were meant to be together, to rule together. Once she realized and accepted this, we would be an  unstoppable duo

I was not keen on the idea of her already having a child with another but he would be dealt with soon enough along with his father whom had the audacity to touch what belonged to me. I had the offending male in my custody not long ago but was not aware at the time of exactly who he was. Had i known he would never made it out of my dungeons still breathing


"What is it?!" i snapped at the guard standing before me. He was one of my fathers earliest recruits from the supernatural  facilities

"Are the other two prisoners to also go without food and water?"

I sighed wanting to say yes just to make them further suffer, but i couldn't risk them dying on me. They were the only leverage i currently possessed to control Ayla

"Yes and get a healer to see to the mans wounds, then bring them and my bride to me"

"Yes sir" he said walking away quickly. I felt something odd about him, but brushed it off. He was just another guard, inconsequential

( this scene is from the first book written in Dakkar POV- however everything has changed in it. Just proof that the future is never set in stone. Comment if you recall this scene ch 8)

Several moments  later they enter. Her father is tossed to the ground unconscious Ayla growls at the guard struggling to free her self. She has been subdued with the serum once again but now we know if pushed too far it wont stop her hence my leverage

"Give me my parents!!" She screams at me. Let them go, NOW!, and i will do what you want" she pleads 

She levels me with a fierce glare that would probably intimidate a lesser male. I however feel my loins stir for her. Her fiery temper is strong and o so sexy

I look at her with silent amusement not acknowledging anything of her demands

"Why would i do that love. I like having you here". I smirk at her tauntingly as i stand to step closer to her

"You have me you dont need them!!!"

I finger a lose curl in her wild mass of thick coils. Her eyes watch me with disgust when i lean in towards her face 

"Have I not had you before my love, and yet you still escaped. They will stay until i can trust you!"

I can see the moment she's had enough of me. I can sense the flow of her power whenever she readies to use it. I quickly raise my hand  and a rush of my guards race toward us to  subdue her

One guard grabs her arm roughly and places a cloth over her eyes another guard puts another cloth over her mouth. She's immediately plunged into darkness and I smirk slyly as they stab her with a special serum and escort her away 

to my bedchamber...............

What tricks do you think Dakkar has to ensue Ayla never escapes?

A new face appears  up next and he will change everything you thought you knew




Thanks for Reading!!!!!!!!

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