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I  searched the hall for any guards patrolling and was pleasantly pleased to see them empty. I rushed down the corridor as quickly and quietly as i could, the frantic pounding of my heart echoing so loudly i was certain the entire place could hear it. Time was not on my side nor Ayla's. Dakkar was growing increasingly unhinged with each passing moment and there was no telling what he would do next

His father was now gone and as far as anyone knew, he was the only one who could tame Dakkar. The only one Dakkar ever listened to and respected enough to obey

The mass destruction i had caused just outside, would have alarmed and occupied them all momentarily. But Dakkar was not stupid, he wouldn't leave Ayla alone for long. I had witnessed everything that occurred with Ayla and hunter and I knew exactly what Dakkar's plan would be. He had talked about it many times when i  allegedly worked for him before he decided i was unworthy to do so any longer

Little did he know, little did anyone know, i never did. I was a strategically placed spy alongside my father. Whom i had sadly not seen since i was taken from the facility and beaten after failing to acquire Ayla. We had planned it all out. I was supposed to capture her and her son and get them to safety. I cared little about her father nor the fae. My mission was protecting Ayla, however i knew they meant something to her so i opted to shock them into paralysis, instead of killing them unfortunately that backfired when she killed all our troops that were disguised as agents working alongside me and my father against Oren and Dakkar

Now without any communication with my father or anyone it was solely up to me. As soon as i heard of Hunter and his wife being taken i escaped to follow. I only allowed myself to be captured and tortured by the humans because I knew they would lead me straight to her.

Now here i was, she was within reach, and i was not leaving without securing her freedom, even if i lost my life in the end. She was all that mattered to me anyway

No one knew how i felt, but the truth was i had been in love with Ayla since we were children running through the facility halls

Somehow though,  she always managed to overlook me and favored playing with Taron. He always held all her attention. Over the years as we all grew, nothing much changed, except when my father first learned of Oren's plotting. He after all had a secret of his own. No one knew but Oren and he were step brothers. Oren's mother passed when he was just a child and his father willingly married my grandmother 

Those were the days before it  was forbidden to marry and mix races. My father says that it all changed because of Oren's father. That he grew hungry for power and decided to rebel. He maintains that it was he who killed my grandmother.  Because she refused to follow him in his quest of power. the truth of it all is likely  lost with time, but one thing was certain my father learned of Oren's plans to finish what his father started and made a choice right then

And he has been playing the role ever sense and i, was right alongside him faithfully

I followed Ayla into the woods with her friends even though i despised Taron and her affection for him. I was meant to watch and protect her but then once we reached the facility and i was told her life was in imminent danger I was supposed to save her but i failed and now......now is my chance to redeem myself

Even when Ayla flattened Dakkar's last stronghold I was there. Had i not been heavily sedated and tossed into the dungeon, i would have rescued her then. Still i was pleasantly surprised and elated when i learned she had rescued herself. They thought i was a traitor, Ayla, Hunter everyone. However  i didn't care. I allowed myself to be taken by the humans because i knew it was the only way to find out where Ayla had gone. She was my mission. she had been since the beginning and she would be to the end

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