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"Lets try this again shall we" i said as i once again placed my hand along Murkan's shoulder

He screamed in agony  as i made him believe he was being tore apart, brutally;  limb by limb

"Where. is. Dakkar? Where is Oren!" i snarled

He panted shuddering with lingering pain as i finally released him


Still he said nothing, the traitor was resilient, i would give him that, however it was foolish. I wouldn't relent until he broke. The same way they had  broke my Ayla

Everyone currently in the room sighed in frustration at the males stubbornness. We all knew it was futile. He couldn't use his power as this room was built  with the magic of fae wards; courtesy of a powerful fae Judah's father once knew whom owed him a large debt

So he was truly at our mercy and he knew it as we all did, yet he persisted. No matte  I thought maliciously, i had methods that would crush even the strongest of males

I placed my hand on him once again but this time i made him believe he was being boiled alive. I made certain the feeling was something hotter than lava, more painful even than acid 

His bellowing screams ricocheted off the soiled walls of the room.  Loud gut retching agony filled the space until the threat of his heart  his heart failing from pain stopped me

He growled as i released him vomit poured from his mouth at the torture

"Ready to speak yet traitor?" i spat

He repeatedly sucked in breaths shuddering every few seconds. He instantly turned his face ot me with my question a hateful sneer crossing his face


I laughed loudly "{Alright then". I stated calmly.

 I looked up at the window where Hunter stood watching the scene. Upon our arrival he had refused to enter the room with us, citing the history of the torture room would fray his senses. With the specific powers he possessed i fully understood, still he shared a useful peace of knowledge about elemental supernaturals that i was unaware of. It would prove to be exactly what we needed to finally break this traitor

"Your a fool. You will never leave here alive, save yourself the torment and simply confess" Judah snapped

"Fuck You you half fae fuck!!!!"

Judah stepped to him then, ready to deliver his own brand of pain but instantly caught himself and stepped back

Angry and well past my limit of patience, I stalked around the male chained to the filthy blood splattered walls.

 This time I looked into his eyes

"You are the worse sort of male. One whose loyalties are to no one but himself. I will take great pleasure in killing you, but not yet. You will tell me everything i wish to know. and when your body finally gives out and your half mad from the painfilled torture. Only then will I finally alleviate my need for your blood and alleviate this world of a worthless male"

One last time I slowly placed my hand on his shoulder waiting and relishing the fear that encompassed his face as i did so, knowing that he knew what was to come

This time i took hunters knowledge of elementals and placed him among the clouds. Then watched as he dropped back to the world at an impossibly rapid speed 

As an earth elemental, air was his weakness, since it was his opposing element. Hunter assured me it would effectively break him like no other method would. I was unbelieving at first until I witnessed him shake fiercely and the scream he had released before turning into terror filled wails 

"OKAY....OKAY" he shrieked "I'll tell you!!!"

I lingered a moment longer until he thought he was about to hit the ground with an impact that would have surely killed him mentally, before his body had even recongized and folowed

He choked on his breaths as he recovered but i was uncaring and impatient


"I...I'm not sure where Dakkar is but I know Oren is at his main home. Its located near the southern facility. I've never been there but they say it is easy to find due to its...size"

"That is too  vague an answer, traitor!" Judah growled I think he needs more persuasion Sinik, to perhaps aid his memory" He sneered

"NO! I swear t...this is all I know i have never been there they both have several private properties spread all over the world"

"Where are his other homes Located?"  I snapped

"Out of the country. he hardly visits those but he also keeps residence in 2 facilities. The one you were in and the one Ayla was born in"

"It will suffice we can began searching for her there first" Adora said

Unsatisfied but eager to search to see if Ayla was indeed there. I knew time was of the utmost importance. Ayla in her current condition would not remain still for long. This was our only shot at finding her before she fled once again

We quickly all fled the room leaving the traitor in his own stench and despair


Immediately  plans were made to set out for her

"The supernaturals here that can fight need to be trained. The time will come soon that we will need them, need everyone" I suggested watching them mill about with chores

"I guess i should be the one to do that" Hunter offered "It was after all my plan to do so anyway, except now i don't have to roam from facility to facility  recruiting them?" he chuckled

I smirked at his joke

"I will stay with him" Adora stated as if we all expected anything less

"I will come with you"  Judah spoke up

"What about you people? they will not be happy to be left with only Hunter to govern them. He is a supernatural"

"I have my second to keep watch while i am gone. Anon is more than capable  of assuming command in my absence"

I didn't argue, eager to get on the road. I turned towards the woman Helia then

"Perhaps you should remain here" I told her

"No if Ayla is still under that tumultuous power of hers you may need me to psychically  link with her"

"She is right" Taron said

"What do you know!?" I snapped at him

"Far more about psychics  and how they work than you do apparently!!" he barked back

I hated with a fierce passion that he was right. I was a fae,  not a supernatural. I didn't have much knowledge about their kind. Until Ayla, i never even had a desire to

"Fine!" i grumbled

"I will stay behind" the air elemental Yaro said. "I am convinced I will be more useful here"

I nodded at the older male. 

"Let us  prepare now. i want to ride out at sunset. The sooner the better" 

Instantly our groups dispersed to ready ourselves for yet another journey into the wilds in search of Ayla

I hoped this newly acquired information would at last lead me to her and then i could successfully  convince her to return home where she belonged.....................

Do you think Murkan is telling the truth? Or is it just another one of his deceptions?




Thanks for Reading!!!!!!!!

Destiny Of Vengeance  ( Finale Of Destiny Of Deception)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon