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I snapped awake squinting. Darkness had barely receded but i was wide awake and alert

My mind was telling me he was close, so close that i felt adrenaline surging so I bolted  at full speed

soft whispers sounded in my head as i sprinted. I ignore them as i continued on.

 The  whispers grew louder. Overlapping shouts and incoherent yelling rose to unbearable heights

My head began to pound from the strain and i halted, holding my head and shutting my eyes hoping to relieve the agony

"STOP!!!" i bellowed

They dissipated instantly, when i reopened my eyes once again i stood in shock as i realized I had once again, upended every tree in my vicinity

My hands shook as i looked at them 

what was wrong with me? Why was this happening to me?

"YOU NEED DAKKAR"  a voice said interrupting my thoughts.

My mind immediately was alert. That voice was an Invader, an intruder, an enemy

My eyes blurred once again, i was close very close.  i charged back into the woods as the voice tried once again to speak to me but this time it couldn't get through, It tried over and over again. The presence pressing on my mind unsuccessfully  like a weight

Before long i arrived at the place that housed my enemy, not the one responsible  for my torture but accountable for my distress nonetheless

A mob of guards littered the entrance attempting to shield him from my wrath but they did not realize what i was capable of. Nothing would stop me short of death

I was here for his blood and i would have it


I smiled as I ignored their demands. Wind began to whip around everything as i threw men out of my path left and right. Gun shots rang out as the other supernatural present attempted to use their powers to stop me

They sadly didn't stand a chance

 A fire elemental shot rows of fire at me that i used to burn everyone else around us instead.

Howls of pain erupted as they burned to death. The smell of searing flesh permeating the air. I then blasted the elemental apart and continued on. A shifter came to me next an impressively massive bear. He charged taking a swipe at me. The wind wouldn't allow him to get close enough for his strikes to reach me, but he still swiped and growled anyway. I threw him 20 feet in the air before letting his body drop back down

He roared loudly as he fell, his body landing with a sickening crunch

More guards approached with weapons that were useless against me. I halted all bullets before sending them back into each of them. Their bodies dropped littered with holes

 Then I spotted wards rushing towards me, I lifted my hands and effortlessly collapsed the entire corridor onto their heads, they were instantly buried under chunks of boulders and debris before they could even venture any further

Their screams of pain echoed through the halls as i walked over the fallen corridor. No One remained alive by the time i reached the male i desired

He sat cockily  on his throne staring down at me

"So we meet at long last"

"For the first and last time" i sneered

He bellowed in laughter

"You think yourself strong enough to take me girl?"

"Why don't we find out?"  i smirked

He stood and steeped down from his throne towards me, an arrogant tilt to his lips

He stared at me, focused and intently. It was then that i felt a powerful surge in my brain pressing heavily on me. The same one i had felt before

I fought it grunting at the pain

Pushing back, we commenced an all out push and pull for long moments before i realized i was wasting precious time. I knew i was far more powerful than he was. That was the entire reason he wanted me

My eyes blurred and the whispers began again. The wind whistled fiercely as it pulled me off my feet. The red glow lit up my veins and i could feel the power shaking my hands as it consumed me

The arrogant smirk on Oren's lips fled as he stared wide eye and took several steps back. I could feel his fear oozing from him like his blood soon  would, once i was finished  with him

However not too quickly. i did want him to suffer

I blasted him away he flew 10 feet back landing with a thump and a painfilled grunt. He climbed back to his feet, yet didn't move to come any closer to me

He stared at me and i knew he was attempting to penetrate my mind once again, but it clearly wasn't working because he growled angrily then reached for a weapon before rushing at me

I could hear more guards and people coming  the corridor to aid their pathetic master, like good little lap dogs so i collapsed the entire entrance; blocking all from coming or going

I tossed him again and again, toying with him. His anger swelled as he continuously climbed back to his feet. Realizing he would never get close enough to use it,  he threw his weapon in my direction.

before it could reach me, I knocked it away. Much to his chagrin, It clattered uselessly at my feet.

He roared with anger then


i ignored his statement and looked over at his impressive wall of weapons

Slowly each one came down. 3 axes, a hammer, 5 long swords 8 daggers,  a set of sais and all 6 spears

They pointed at him

He snapped his lips shut staring at me in horror

"Dakkar is nothing more than a pathetic excuse for a male begging for his daddies approval. He too will die a painful death  just like you"  i snarled

His eyes bulging as i sent all 24 weapons towards him at once

Blood poured from everywhere as they sliced, stabbed and pounded him into nothing more than a mass of ruined flesh. The screams of his pain, would play like a sweet melody through my mind for as long as i lived

When he took his final breath his eyes held mine before finally going empty. 

Devoid of life

A surge of all consuming energy encompassed me as he fell to the ground lifeless

One down, one more to go...................................

RIP Oren no one will miss you. Dakkar unfortunately will prove much harder to find and kill. Are y'all ready for this journey!




Thanks for Reading!!!!!!!

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