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Makiel was treated around the clock after my mother was finally able to bring him back from near death. The rage I felt just looking at his tortured body was uncontrollable. I could vividly recall how Dakkar had tortured me, how he had tortured Nova. A angry mist swirled in my vision and i was more determined  than ever to make sure he never harmed anyone ever again

He and his vile father were a plight on these lands and they both never deserved to breath nor live again. I had already killed his father now it was time to rid the world of Dakkars evil too. 

Once and for all

Rykell and Judah decided due to the new information  delivered by Makiel,  that we would be riding out to battle at nightfall. We needed to be at the location before Dakkar reached it. But we all knew that Dakkar had likely already knew that Makiel had escaped and probably anticipated that we knew his new plans. However we knew Dakkar could not do anything about that. 

He was in need of supporters. Due to our interference,  his plans couldn't continue without them and cancelling for him wasn't an option. Not if he hoped to win this war against us. He had many many powerful beings on his side unfortunately, we had far more. And I was one of them.

The problem was nightfall was only hours away and since that announcement everyone was on edge. Full of adrenaline, yet worried. The non warriors rushed about hurrying  to prepare provisions for us, while the warriors themselves sat sharpening  their weapons and turning in early to get as much rest as possible before we departed.

Personally I sought the time to be alone and think. Unlike everyone else, my mental state was still quite fragile and I needed to make certain I wouldn't lose control as I had done many times  before. Abruptly a body plopped down beside me,  interrupting my self reflection. I almost snapped at the person before I realized who it was.


He sat unbothered by my scowl of annoyance. Seconds later another joined him and then  another after

Looking to my left, it was Zia and Emil. I shook my head at them as they beamed at me. 

Reluctantly I smiled at their antics. I had not seen Zia since forever. Nova's death made both of us avoid one another. I did not  know what to say to her and I'm sure neither did she. Taron, her and I were best friends but for Zia; Nova was more than that and the loss likely affected her differently. In a way I couldn't relate

"We decided to come keep you company" Taron stated

"I do not recall asking for it" I quipped

"Well you got it anyway" Zia sassed back

I chuckled. Looking at them I felt a pang of nostalgia rush through me. This journey had started out with all of us. Except now we had lost Nova, Murkan and Jesime. We had all been through so much and we were all that were left of that struggle we had endured since the very beginning. 

 I'm sure they all felt the weight of all we had suffered. I know I did. I could not even recall who that Ayla was. She was like a stranger to me, to who I had become. Yet she was not completely  lost; just matured, stronger and smarter. I admired her.

"We may not make it out of this battle" Taron admitted solemnly

"No, but at least we will not die for nothing"  Emil commented

His gaze met mine with his words and he grimaced. "Ayla I am so sorry for-"

"Don't Emil it was not your fault. I understand that".

He only nodded But I knew he worried what Sinik would do once he found out. Silence spread as we all became lost in our own separate thoughts.

Until a thought came to me. 

"Zia you aren't fighting are you?"

"No Judah thought it best I didn't since I... sometimes get sick and there would be no one around to keep me healthy. You know I need medicine to keep from being sick" she said her cheeks reddening in shame

I knew she felt upset at being left out of the action. Nova was my best friend but she was  her long time lover. Of course she hoped to enact some revenge. I hoped my proposition made her feel better,; give her some sense of purpose

"Then I have a huge favor to ask"

She snapped her gaze to me questioningly as I swallowed hard

"My son Taylen. Take care of him while I am gone. And if I don't make it..."

Taron glanced her way too; awaiting her answer. I hoped like hell she accepted because I had no one else.  Everyone else I knew  was fighting and could possibly die in this battle

"Of course I will Ayla. Without question"

Tears prickled my lashes just thinking of never making it home to see my son, but what could I do?. Dakkar's evil would never stop. It would spread until it consumed everything and everyone. He had to be stopped and there was no one powerful enough to do so. It was why they wanted me; and why he and his father had been able to come so far with their vile schemes

"Thank you" I said smiling at her  gratefully

"Yes thank you Zia" Taron added 

We sat there for a long time reminiscing on our lives before it all. Laughing and sharing memories before we finally separated. It felt good to talk and remember those simpler times but now it was time to ensure others got those same experiences 

When battle wasn't prevalent and things were far simpler.............




Thanks for Reading!!!!!!

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