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After the male Makiel revealed he knew where Ayla was i assembled our group to ride out immediately, however Judah and I agreed that since we did not know the male that well that we would leave a small group behind wiht instructions to ride back to Judah territory and sent a force if anything happened to us. 

2 days later just as we were nearly there,  3 figures came rushing through he forest towards us. Immediate we assumed defensive positions, thinkin it was a setup or an ambush 

But when i realized it was Hunter, Adora and Ayla. I immediately jumped from my horse and raced towards her. She was supporting Hunter whom looked battered and weak

She released him momentarily to embrace me as i rushed her. I grabbed her up and held on so tight i was certain it was painful, but she said nothing, only hugging me back just as tightly. Her tears wet my shoulder as she cried against me and i could feel my own threaten to fall

I pulled back to look at her beautiful face that i had severely missed. Before i could stop myself i crushed her lips to mine and devoured her like i was a man starved, because i most certainty was

I didn't care who watched nor did i relent until l was satisfied, at least for the moment. We stared at one another silently still wrapped in one  another until  a throat nearby cleared

Ayla stepped away and hugged Emil, Judah, Taron and Helia whom she was most surprised to see, before she resumed her hold on her father

"How did you escape?" He asked Ayla.  "i had left to gather  help"

"Murkan" Ayla stated

 causing us all to stand surprised I guess Makiel was telling the truth about them both being on our side all this time. I suddenly felt slightly terrible for torturing him but i unlike us all were unaware if his double life

I had t o admit the young male was a very good at tit because no one ever  suspected or even had a clue.

"Murkan?!! you saw him?  where is he? Why is he now with you?"  he fired off question after question rapidly

Adora growled in annoyance "My husband has been badly beaten and tortured  as has my daughter maybe we can save the interrogation until after we have rested and eaten"   

Makiel reluctantly nodded but i could see the desire to go after his son

"You may go if you wish" i assured him

He shook his head "No i will hear what has happened first"

I nodded as we began to set up camp for the night. I watched Ayla the entire time not witnessing the waves of hateful envy rolling off Torra as i did


That night the camp was filled with more chatter than there ever was. Many were interested in the tale's of how Ayla escaped and everything Makiel and his son had been up to . He had a wealth of information that would prove essential to us winning this  war

Judah had thought we should confront Dakkar while we knew where he was, but Hunter quickly shut that idea down. Their escape was no doubt discovered by now and Dakkar would have already fled

The only question was where was Murkan now? Did they kill him or was he on his way.

"I'm sorry i dont think he made it" Ayla confessed wiht a heavy heart and teary eyes. Her face was melancholic and weary. I hugged her tight to me as she leaned her head against my chest. 

"Where is Taylen?" She murmured looking up at me. "I'm such a horrible mother .i left him. He hasn't seen me in months"  she cried

"Stop. that is untrue and you know it. It was not your choice to be taken from him for so long. He is safe wiht Rykell, do not worry we will have you back with him soon enough"  I assured her. It was complete truth too.  i would make sure to get her back to her son no matter what it took to do so

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