"You see, Andrew? That child has issues," she said shaking her head. "He should had his ass whooped more as a child. That ex-wife of yours should have punished her children more."

"Sheila, just stop," Andrew sighed. Sheila just waved him off and continued to give her opinion of Andrew's ex-wife.

"I don't see how you could live with her for so long!" She exclaimed taking a bite of her asparagus. "I'm not surprised. She has no class so it's only fitting that her child has none as well."

"Alright, I have had enough of your badgering, you old fugly bitch," Krista said. Her children, spouse, and father stared at her in surprise. Krista was never the one to say anything that she felt would harm someone's feelings. Sheila had pushed her too far off the edge.

Sheila gasped before choking on her half chewed asparagus.

"That's what you get," Carly muttered under her breath.

Once Sheila caught her breath, she began to talk, "Oh, so now you're going to act ill-mannered. I didn't expect much from you but I was under the impression that you were at least a little bit better than your mother and sinful brother. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"You know what? Every time we come over here or do any type of family outing with you God awful people, I have to bribe my family to come. I always use sex for Ashlynn and money for the kids. I thought I would try to ease the tension between all of us by trying to appease my father. But now? That shits over and done with. I can't believe you are just sitting here and letting her talk shit about my mother and your son. What kind of father are you?" Krista questioned her father. "You know what else, Andrew? You've just lost all of my respect."

"I'm definitely with Nate and Krista on this, old man," Matthew said standing up. "I'm not going to sit here as if what this wrinkled bat says is okay. Come on kids, it's time to go. Say goodbye to your grandpa."

The kids all looked hesitant to speak to their grandfather. Although they love him very much, they couldn't help but to view him as a bad guy. They loved their grandma Mel a lot more than their grandpa Drew at that moment. None of them had ever liked Sheila so they didn't care too much about telling her goodbye. Plus they knew their daddy would buy them pizza on the way home. They quickly told their grandpa goodbye before rushing to the door.

Once the kids were out of earshot Matthew began to talk again, "We won't be visiting for a while. I don't want my kids being anywhere near any of you. Especially you dad. I can't believe you would let her talk shit about mom and Nate. You, sir, have lost all of my respect." He shook his head and said bye to his niece, nephew, sister, and sister-in-law. "I'll send you guys later." With that he left the she-Devils den with no regrets.

"We're leaving too," Krista said. "Ashlynn, kids? Let's go. The rest of you, I hope you have a good fucking night." She stormed out the house with Ashlynn following right on her heels.

"Well!" exclaimed Carly earning a glare from Greg. She smirked at him and turned to Sheila, "oh yeah, I hope you choke on your dinner. Night folks!" She strutted out the dining room in a fit of laughter. Jayden stood up and turned to Sheila and flipped her the pretty finger before following the rest of his family out the door.


"Whoa," I muttered.

"Yeah Uncle Nate. You started a revolution," Carly laughed.

"Viva la revolucion!" Jayden exclaimed. Ashlynn chuckled.

"I will never get tired of remembering the look on your dad's and Sheila's face when my baby study up and called her a fugly bitch," she said. "That memory will last me a life time. I will never be able to look at your dad the same way."

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