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-One day, young lady, all your sacrifices, all your losses and pain your heart helds will be repaid.- the elder man said gently as he placed the a green vial on her hands, closing them above it as the girl looked at him with teary eyes, knees pressing still on the cold floor.- Held that kind soul of yours close and never let go of your values, they shall change this world one day.

He brushed her tears gently with his thumbs before giving her a gentle smile and disappearing in just a blink of an eye. The girl sobbed then, a sound almost imperceptible if it not were for the way her shoulders were shaking.

It was not Lancelot or Arthur the one that dared to go to her, but Gwaine. He crouched besides her, wrapping his big and warm arms around her lovingly. Ivy hugged him tightly as the man didn't say anything, just letting her cry all the pain she had been holding for a long time.

Gwaine might not be the best with emotions, but he knew when to talk and let the others talk. Right now, Ivy just needed to replace that talking with crying and he respected that, Ivy was his friend.

-It's okay now, everything will be alright.- he whispered while caressing her hair softly, the girl hiding her face under his chin as she hiccuped.

Merlin watched the pair with a knot tight in his throat. He watched Lancelot and Arthur bit their tongues and let the other man comfort the girl in the way they probably couldn't. Ivy needed silence reassuring and a warm embrace, not words right now. He understood that.

"Emrys" a voice murmured deep inside his thoughts, low but not threatening. His body tensed, but luckily any of the Knights noticed. "Your presence was needed today, young Warlock"

"¿What for?" he responded, frowning slightly at the words. "We did not help in anything at all, she would have been completely fine on her own."

"You were called this day here not to fight, but to listen. As the young druid has said before, destiny has been changed, Emrys. The destiny of the whole Albion you have known once does not exist anymore."

"¿What do you mean by that?" he asked earnestly, the worry growing every second on his chest.

"Do not fret, young Warlock. What my words wish to explain is that destiny has been re written. This time, your actions and words shall not only determine your future, but they shall write it as well as a new one."

"You are telling me the future I once saw...was irreclaimable? ¿All those times I tried to change it for nothing?"

"Many people believe our destinies were written from the beginning of times, Emrys. Others dare to claim it can only be ruled by your actions and decisions." he explained, his voice serene and pure. "No matter where your beliefs lay, one cannot know the end of it. You made a serious mistake long time ago, young warlock, by hearing the beliefs of your kin but not your heart."

"Kilgharrah" he whispered.

"The dragon may believe what he desires, but telling you his truth only made you closer to what he believed. While trying to avoid Arthur's death, you were only getting closer and closer to it."

"No." he murmured out of breath. ¿Whas that true? Was he really leading Arthur to his death.

"Do not blame yourself for what was out of your hands, now. The girl, without having a real knowledge of it, gave all of you a new destiny. Your path is now yours only, Emrys."

"I need you to tell me more. ¿What has Ivy done to change everything?"

"I shall not speak any longer about what you will learn with time." the man said lastly, his voice now sounding far away."Your future is now yours, Merlin. Guide it wisely, like you would rule a heart."

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