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They had been travelling around for about a week when Ivy told them that they should go through the Valley of the Fallen Kings. To say that Elyan almost fell off of his horse explains their reaction. But they were not expecting her to show them a new way to cross the Valley.

And they became so fond of her...they truly trusted her.

You see, when you go to the center of it, away from the waywarns tunnels luckily, there is a cave not far away. Arthur never went through there as he always listened to his father say that it was abandoned and full of magic creatures. Well, that story was fake.

As one entered the cave, it looked completely normal. Dark, wet and quite scary. With a torch in hand and the trails of your horse held tightly you ride for almost half an hour until a big curtain of green lianas and leaves is placed in front of you. Behind that anyone can see what can be confused for a tunnel without end.

It has an end. And it's beautiful.

At the end of it there is a cascade and when you go through it...it's just magic.

There is a Valley full of trees and animals with a river crossing it, so crystal clear that you can see the fishes swimming in it. Nature is not rotten and dark like in the rest of the Valley, as a matter of fact is green and bright and so full of life.

-Mordred and I come here during summer and spring because It's the time of the year when the animals wake up from their winter sleep.- Ivy explained while smiling brightly, seeing the faces of utter wonder in the Knights and Merlin.- I dare to say it's the most beautiful place in Albion.

-Indeed.- Merlin murmured, amazed by the magic in the air.

Ivy espread one of her arms softly in the air while riding slowly in Belladona and a beautiful blue bird landed in her hand at the marvelous of everyone's expressions. The animal chirped happily in her hand as she brought it closer to her face. The bird sang brightly and caressed her cheek with its head gently.

-You have a way with animals.-Elyan commented, watching the bird fly around her happily.- like our dear Merlin here.

The group looked at the man who was playing and kissing softly a little squirrel in both of his hands. The animal was biting a nut apparently and it was offering it to Merlin while doing some cute noises as it chewed.  

Arthur rolled his eyes at the adoration in Gwaine's face at the scene in front of him.

Ugh, he was so besotted.

-We should stop for awhile and clean ourselves. I don't know about you all, but I smell worse than Gwaine's boots.

At Ivy's statement Percival threw his head backwards with laughter soon being followed by all of them.

-¡Oi! ¿Why am I always the joke?

-You were born for it, Gwaine. Accept it.- Elyan smirked earning an ugly glare.

The man just huffed indignantly and dismounted his horse with ease. Everyone followed him, Merlin a bit unhappy at leaving the little squirrel, and each took a new pile of clothes.

Both Percival and Gwaine screamed while rushing into the water, jumping and splashing everyone in the process. Elyan looked indignant as he runned behind them and Leon and Arthur just rolled their eyes. Merlin seemed uncomfortable and Lancelot a bit preoccupied. 

-I can cover you with Arthur if you say you washed yesterday.- Ivy heard Lancelot murmured to Merlin.

-He won't believe it. I just...I will go and wash my clothes on.

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