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-Well, I think this is my cue to say goodbye.- Ivy said softly, leaving her plate next to the others.

All the man stopped talking and just stared at her, like the only image of leaving her was horrifying. God, Arthur could almost hear Leon whining.

Oh, wait, maybe that was him.


-¿What?- he dumbfounded.

-Ivy, you can't possibly...-Lancelot started, a sad look on his face.

-I have to go, Lance. Nemeth is still a week away and I cannot give myself the chance of losing Odin's man again. It was difficult enough to track them there.- Ivy explained to him softly, her voice tight. 

-I refuse to let you go on your own. Odin is dangerous and the woods of Nemeth are no place for one girl.- Gwaine told her sternly, crossing his arms.

Ivy shook her head slowly, smiling with sadness.

-You cannot command me, Gwaine. I am my own person and I chose the path I follow.- she said it with care, watching Gwaine with care in her eyes.- And do not forget I have survived on my own all this time, I shall be fine.

-¡But you are not on your own anymore!- he told her, a little bit exasperated. Ivy just sighted.- And I am your friend, and friends are supposed to look after each other, ¿are they not?

-Of course they are.- she nodded gently, trying to not make him angry.- I know you are my friend, Gwaine. I adore you for that, but if you want to protect me, you will let me go.

-Come with us.-Arthur interrupted, making everyone look at him.- We are heading to Esscentir to visit Merlin's mother. We can accompany you to Nemeth to...assure you get there safe and we will separate there.

Merlin looked at him with his mouth slightly open and he stepped his foot with maybe too much force, just maybe.

-My mother, Hunith, lives in the borders of Esscentir. We can come with you and then we will head to our way, we don't mind helping you out. You saved our lives after all.

Lancelot still seemed troubled and Gwaine worried.

-You are mad if you think I will put you at risk.

-¿But putting yourself is not?.- At Gwaine's angry voice Merlin looked at him, catching his sleeve and tucking it to call his attention.

-It's my place to decide that, Gwaine. Not yours.- she said it a little bit harsh, but then her eyes softened.- I am sorry, I do not seek to put you in any kind of distress. But Mordred is my family, and I would face every danger of this world if it means I can get him back. But that's my place to take, not yours. 

-You are my family too, Ivy.- Lancelot desperately said.- I don't...please don't make me lose you again.

-And any family member of Lancelot is ours too.- Percival told her, smiling.

Ivy seemed touched at that and anything that she wanted to say died in her throat at the statement.

-That's...I truly appreciate it. I really do.- Ivy gulped looking at them, especially at Lancelot and Gwaine.

It was a long time ago that she had so many people caring about her, protecting her and worrying about her safety. She never forgot what was that like because Mordred never let her, always being by her side and protecting her with every breath he could take and more. But being surrounded by people who barely knew her and still cared...it was new. And it was so nice that she fret she would not be able to let go after that. Especially from Arthur. Especially him.

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