13 - Casino Night

Start from the beginning

"I don't know... I tried to talk about it when we woke up but she seemed uncomfortable. Besides, I've never had a girlfriend..."

There was a small pause, and Chloe's teasing expression suddenly vanished, leaving nothing but seriousness.

"What is it?" I asked, and she sighed.

"Look... You finally, finally realized your feelings for her. And she did too. So go be happy, and make my best friend happy. Okay?"

"Yeah..." I replied simply. I've never imagined myself being a boyfriend. It felt so weird... But the thought of Adrien and Marinette, Marinette and Adrien... It felt good.

Bringing her flowers, taking her hand at school, buying her gifts, kissing her in public, making her laugh... I wanted to do it. This morning, when I woke up in her arms, I realized that this little lady was my source of unconditional joy. Just her presence alone was enough to make me happy. The power she has over me scared the hell out of me. Because losing her would destroy me.

"Chloe, how am I supposed to do this? I can't just come up to her and ask her to be my girlfriend, that's unnatural!" I said as terror overtook my face.

She rolled her eyes like it was obvious. "Ask her out on a date, and let the magic of l-o-v-e happen" She spelled 'love' in a sing-songy tone.

"All right..." I replied. We finished our morning drinks and got ready for school.

Marinette's POV

"Very well Miss Dupain-Cheng. As of now, your Calculus, Physics and History classes will be taken online. Congratulations again on your internship" Mr. Damocles said.

"Thank you sir, have a nice day" I said before leaving his office.

My thoughts trailed back to Adrien and the intimate moments we shared last night... What if he stops talking to me, now that he got what he wanted? Does he think that I'm one of those desperate fans who want to get with him? What if he thinks it's a mistake? But more importantly, why do I want it to happen again so bad?

As I roamed in the halls, I bumped into Alya.

"Hey Mari!" She said, interrupting my troublesome thoughts.

"H-Hey Alya! What's up?" I replied with a smile.

"Not much, except for tonight. What kind of outfit are you wearing?" She asked excitedly. I furrowed my brows in confusion and then gasped in comprehension.

"OH MY GOD THE CASINO NIGHT! I completely forgot!" I yelled and hid my mouth with my hands.

Tonight, the Vogue employees are having a casino night to celebrate the success of the summer collection. Damien mentioned it when we met, and he said he was going to pick me up. Alya giggled at my panicked state.

"Don't worry girl, at least you know now" She said reassuringly.

"Y-yeah... I guess I could wear one of the thousands of dresses I've designed... How about black? You can never go wrong with black" I proposed.

"Na-uh, black is too plain. Wear something flashy and sexy, like red" She suggested, and I giggled in approval.

We rambled about work and headed to class.


Now that all of my last periods are changed into online classes, I can head home early and get ready for tonight. I haven't had any classes with Adrien or Chloe today, so I've had time to gather my thoughts.

My conclusion: I want to be with him... I really do. But I value myself more than some crush, so if he's not ready to be loyal, I'm not going to get together with him. My heart cannot take another loss... Not after my dad's death and my mom's terminal illness.

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