20 : i'm sorry.

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taehyung is going crazy.

why? he's been looking for the pink haired boy all around the campus for three hours already. not even caring about missing his classes.

he wanted to apologize and gain jimin's trust. he doesn't care if the pink haired boy don't wanna see him or talk to him. he will just apologize and then leave then wait for jimin to accept his apology.

he checks every class rooms, restrooms, the cafeteria, library, clinic and many more but there's no sign of jimin.

he was about to give up but then, he passed by a classroom where students comes out. relieve filled his body as he saw jimin went out. he was about to approach the boy but he halted on his steps because..

yoongi came out of the classroom too and went to jimin's side. he saw how jimin smiles to yoongi and they both walked together somewhere.

taehyung felt a pang on his heart at the scene. he doesn't know why but it hurts. it hurts a lot to see them together. it hurts that he can't make jimin smile like that.

he won't admit it fully but, he fell inlove with the boy.

no.. fuck jimin. i don't know what you did but i think i fell inlove with you. but i'm not sure yet if it's love. he thought.

with a sigh, taehyung just walks to the opposite way, leaving with a heavy heart.

jimin arrived home with the help of yoongi as the man offers to ride him home.

also, thanks to the man because he's no longer sad from seeing taehyung flirting with the girls earlier.

yoongi made sure that he's happy so he took the boy to a cute pet cafe that he saw online.

jimin was so happy when they arrived to the cafe, seeing lots of puppies, kittens and more around the place as the little creatures are entertaining people.

while yoongi, he was so glad that the pink haired boy liked it. he knew the boy loves cute things so looked for a cute place online and then he saw the pet cafe.

all he wanted to do is just make jimin happy. he also hates taehyung for hurting jimin. the small boy doesn't deserve it.

jimin enters the house and taehyungi is sitting on the couch. he feels slightly scared. it feels like deja vu.

when taehyung heard the sound of the door being opened, he looks at it and saw jimin standing there.

his hearts beats rapidly at the sight of jimin. he misses him.

"j-jimin, i made dinner." taehyung said, smiling.

jimin was shocked at what he just said. taehyung never cooked for them since he started hating jimin. also, he never smiled oh so sweetly and softly like this.

"d-dinner?" jimin stuttered.

"yes, dinner. you can uhm, eat alone if you want. i just hope you will like it." taehyung turns his attention back to the television.

the smaller boy looks at taehyung, confused but went to the kitchen anyways to eat.

meanwhile, taehyung wasn't actually watching television, in fact, he's holding his phone and is looking at jimin's bangstagram posts.

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