15 : sudden confession.

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"jin hyung!" jimin shouted and runs to the kitchen where the older male is cooking.

"wha- why are you shouting?" seokjin asked while still cooking.

"i-i need to go home. taehyung called and he said he will throw my stuffs if i didn't." jimin said, panicking.

seokjin frowns and turns the stove off then washed his hands in the sink. "i'm coming with you then."

"no! y-you don't have to. i will go alone. byeㅡ"

"shut it jimin. i will go with you whether you like it or not." jin said in a serious voice.

jimin didn't have a choice but to nod and agree. his friend is really scary whenever he's mad and there's no other choice but to just obey him.

seokjin cleans the mess on the kitchen counter table. "wait for me." he says before he went upstairs to his bedroom.

jimin just sighs and went to living to sit on the couch and wait for seokjin. he feels really nervous at the moment. he doesn't know how he will face the drunk and scary taehyung but luckily, his hyung wanted to come with him so.. everything will be good.

seokjin is known to be a strong and brave man and both jungkook and jimin are lucky to have him.

"let's go." seokjin said before he and jimin left the house.

jimin twisted the door open and to his surprise, it isn't locked.

"how can you let your door unlocked at night? especially when you're alone? stupid person." seokjin shakes his head. they both went inside and the scent of alcohol immediately fills their nostrils.

jimin and seokjin scrunched their nose and the younger male closed the door behind him.

"he must be in the kitchen." jimin said and both of them made their way to the kitchen where the certain dark haired boy is sitting on the chair with his head resting on the table.

you can see about three empty bottles of alcohol in the table and an empty glass cup.

jimin gulps and went to the knocked out man, checking his condition.

"he really drank a lot. i hope he'll die." seokjin said.

"don't say that. he can't die. he may be a bad person but he doesn't deserve to die." what jimin just said came from his heart.

yes, taehyung made him suffer but he still cares for the boy. he believes that he can still change with just a little help by jimin. those moments with taehyung this morning gave him hope that one day, taehyung will be a good husband or even just a friend to him.

"whatever. i will clean the mess and you go drag him to the bedroom." jimin nodded and brushed the hair that was covering taehyung's face upwards.

the older took the bottles and throws it to the trashbim then washed the cup.

the pink haired boy stared at taehyung's god-like face for a while before he puts his right arm on his own shoulder and slowly pulls him in a standing position.

"s-so heavy." jimin mumbles.

"do you need help?" seokjin then cleans the table.

"yes please."

then they both dragged the drunken man upstairs to the bedroom. carefully, they laid down taehyung on the bed who groans and hugs a pillow.

jimin sighs softly and covers him with the warm blanket.

"so, who might be the person who.. spreads about the wedding around the campus?" seokjin said while they're walking downstairs.

"i don't really know. i don't have anyone who hates me though.. no, everyone around the campus hates me for being close to taehyung but we didn't invite any of them. only you, kookie and taehyung's friend which is yoongi."

"that yoongi guy, let's talk to him. you don't know he might be the person who did it."

"he can't be. i met him once in the church and he's really nice. he even smiles everytime we made eye contact in the campus so, it can't be him." jimin sat down on the couch with seokjin beside him.

"we still can't just trust him that easily. what if he's just acting nice so we won't find out what he did? and look, he didn't even talked to you or taehyung about every students finding out about the wedding."

jimin thought for a moment before nodding, placing a cushion from the couch on his thighs. his hyung is right. he can't trust anyone whose not close to him. he have to talk to that yoongi guy about the wedding and get to know him.

"okay hyung. i will talk to him but i don't have his number." he turns to look at seokjin whose styling his hair with his hands.

"then you go look for him around the campus. me and jungkook will help you." seokjin ruffles jimin's soft like clouds pink hair.

"do you want me cook for you here and just bring the dishes i was cooking earlier tomorrow at school? then we will eat it at lunch break with kook." seokjin asks.

jimin smiles widely and hugs his friend tightly. he's really thankful for having a friend like him. "yes. thank you so much hyung! let's eat together please?"

seokjin lets out a chuckle and nodded. "alright. i will cook now while you go wipe a wet towel on that devil's face. i will prepare it." seokjin stands and went to the kitchen with jimin following him.

jimin closed the door behind him with his foot since he's carrying the basin with water and towel inside.

he walks towards the sleeping drunk male on the bed and placed the basin on the nearby table. he grabs the towel and gently squeezed it to not make it dripping wet before wiping it on taehyung's face.

the older male groans at the feeling but jimin keeps doing it. he sighs and sat on the bed, still doing his work.

"tae, i will find out whoever that person is but you have to trust me first that i am not the one who told everyone about our wedding. i cannot do it. and also, i know you're not going to be happy about this but.. i just can't help it."

"yes, kim taehyung. i have fallen inlove with you."

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