37 : taehyung.

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before the incident.

hoseok snapped his head to the door as someone knocks on it. he knew that it's his younger brother.

"come inside wooyoung." he said and smiles. he loves having his brother around.

wooyoung enters the room while looking at the ground, wearing a sad expression.

"h-hyung.." his voice cracked.

hoseok's smile immediately switched to a frown as he heard it.

"what's wrong?" he asks worriedly.

wooyoung went in front of him and kneels down which shocked hoseok. his brother never did this to him since he's always a good brother to him and never makes him disappointed.

"w-why are youㅡ "

"i-i'm so sorry, hyung! i stalked jimin! printed his pictures out and glued them on my bedroom! forgive me!" wooyoung starts crying, clinging on his older brother's leg.

hoseok only chuckles and hugs him tightly. "ah, my wooyoung. you have grown up a lot."

wooyoung just keep crying while hugging him tightly.

"i already know about it. don't worry okay? at first, i was mad but then, i thought you have reasons why you did it and you have to explain everything to me right now." he says softly.

wooyoung calmed down at that and looks at his brother. "i-i will. just, don't hate me."

hoseok smiles and ruffles wooyoung's hair. "of course. don't be afraid to tell me everything. i won't judge you, i am your brother. i'm all ears."

and that's how the two became happy again.

| 2 months later.

jimin wore his coat, shoes, puts his keys, wallet and on his pocket and grabs the paper bag which contains food before he left the house, not forgetting to lock the door.

he was already healed. his wounds are fading now, only scars can be seen.

he also dyed his hair pink again since it's already fading. he knew taehyung loves his pink hair.

he went to the car and starts the engine before driving off somewhere.

as he reached his destination, he knocks on the door first before going inside.

he saw yoongi and namjoon sitting on the couch while talking about something. they stopped talking once they saw jimin.

"jimin, take care of him." namjoon stood up and pats his shoulder before going to the door.

yoongi soon follows him, not without giving jimin a reassuring smile.

jimin only did was smiled back at them before putting the paper bag on the table.

he sat on the chair which is beside the bed and stared at the person whose laying lifeless on the bed.

it was two months ago when jimin got kidnapped by irene and mingi. two months ago when he got saved by his friends, junhyung and taehyung. two months ago when irene was sent to a mental hospital and mingi was sent to jail. and two months ago when taehyung got shot and rushed to the hospital.

the impact of the gunshot hits him really bad that puts him in coma for 2 months.

and 2 months without taehyung feels like hell for jimin.

he miss his husband so much, he miss his deep but sweet voice, his boxy smile, his cookings even tho he's not that good, his clingy side and also, sleeping with him.

not in a dirty way.

he always feels alone and empty whenever he sleeps in their bed because taehyung is not with him to cuddle him, hug him and shower him with kisses before they sleep.

he miss him, he miss his taehyung, his husband.

jimin sighs softly and held taehyung's hand, rubbing his thumb on the forehand of the raven.

"taehyung, if you can hear me then.. just listen." he said while looking at taehyung's face.

"first of all, i miss you, taehyung. p-please come back. our friends miss you a lot and your family, they are all waiting for you at home." he said, trying his best to prevent his tears from falling.

"irene.. she's gone now. she won't bother us anymore along with his friend mingi which is actually in love with her." he stopped for a while before continuing.

"also, about wooyoung, he stopped stalking me a long time ago already. he admits everything that he did. he also apologized to us and we all forgave him already along with his friend which is san and he was hoping that you will also forgive him when you woke up. actually, he's already courting this boy which is older than him." jimin lets out a sad chuckle.

"his name is seonghwa. seonghwa is really handsome but no one can be more handsome than my husband and no one can steal your spot in my heart." jimin placed a soft kiss on taehyung's hand.

"and also, yoongi hyung, hoseok and jungkook are.. well, they're dating. yoongi hyung joined them. it's kind of a very long story though." jimin giggles.

"about namjoon hyung and jin hyung, namjoon is courting jin hyung. i was hoping that jin hyung will stop being an ass and finally answer namjoon hyung."

jimin sighs, realizing that it's time to talk about them.

"i signed our divorce papers and i am waiting for your sign. i want us to get married again tae so please wake up already. i miss y-you so much.." his voice cracked as he starts crying.

"it's my birthday in three days. i hope you will wake up before it." he said.

jimin stood up to get the paper bag and took out the sandwiches he made. "look, i made your favorite sandwiches. i hope you will wake up so we could eat them together."

"i will always be here for you until you woke up. i will never leave your side. i love you so much, taehyung."

aww taehyung, i hope he will get well soon.

i actually finished writing this chapter last night but published it today so yeah ahahaha.

also, i told you guys (at the prologue chap) this book will have a have a happy ending so don't worry 👌

i hope you like this chap and thanks for reading! merry christmas everyone! 🎄always take care of urself!

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