40 : the ring.

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it didn't took too long for taehyung to recover and now the married coupㅡ two boys are now back to their house.

they might be divorced now but they still chose to live together.

jimin is smiling again, unlike these past few days. he would always come home with a dull expression and doesn't have appetite to eat but now, he came home smiling and he's not alone again anymore because taehyung is back.

"let's go to the bedroom." jimin said while holding taehyung's arm upstairs.

taehyung chuckles and shook his head. "i wanna stay at the couch. i'm fine now jimin, just my back hurts a little."

jimin frowns and helps taehyung sit on the couch instead. "are you hungry? do you want anything to eat?"

"hmm.. the sandwiches are fine." the raven answers and sighs deeply once he sat down on the couch. he missed this feeling.

"okay, i will make two for you." the small boy says before padding his way to the kitchen.

taehyung smiles at jimin's cuteness and decided to turn on the television to distract himself.

[taehyung, are you serious? you just came out from the goddamn hospital. you need to rest.] jungkook says from the other line.

"butㅡ i'm really fine now! please, just agree." the raven pleaded.

[okay fine! if something bad happens to you, it's not my fault.]

taehyung grins widely in victory at that. "thank you."

[tsk. meet me at xxx restaurant.]

"yeah, thanks kook! bye!" he ends the call and jumps to change his clothes, wincing as he felt pain on his back.

he changed to simple white hoodie and pants before going down the stairs.

he saw jimin sitting on the couch and he backhugs him from behind.

"oh, tae. you're going somewhere?" jimin frowns.

"mhm. just need to buy something real quick."

"i will buy it instead. you stay herㅡ"

"shh, i want to buy it myself. i'm fine now, okay?" taehyung plants a soft kiss on jimin's forehead.

jimin sighs and nodded. "call me if something happens. please take care."

taehyung hums and smiles at him. "i will. love you!" he throws a flying kiss before leaving the house.

jimin blushed and placed his hand on his chest where his heart is located.

taehyung soon reached the restaurant using a cab. he went inside and walks towards jungkook who's waiting at a table.

"took you so long." the younger stands and they both walked to the door.

"sorry. it's hard to find a cab."

"you could've just used your car."

"i figured you brought yours so i didn't bring it. i don't want to leave it somewhere since we have to ride the same car."

"well you have a point." they went to jungkook's car and drove off to the nearest jewelry shop.

"so, why didn't you just asked yoongi or namjoon to come with you?" jungkook asks while driving.

unwanted marriage ֶָ֢  ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang