Yandere slime girl x male science assistant reader.

Start from the beginning

Y/N- Ahh...ok then.

Logan- Hopefully, we can have any shot of getting any good data from it.

Y/N- I hope so too Doctor

We made our way to the laboratory and experiment rooms and went to lab 5.

Logan- Morning director John and his team.

Director John and his team nodded and I did the same for them and we got to business.

John- Same for you two. Now, we are doing the routine that we have been doing for the last two years and that is getting one of the assistants to get in the room to interact with subject-001 while our one of the doctors will stay behind and record anything it does. Mr.Y/N?

Y/N- Yes sir?

John- Today is the day you get to be the assistant who does the interaction. 

Y/N- W-what?

John- Yes sir, after all being able to help out with anything of your superior's tasks was part of your job description so yes...you.

Y/N- O-oh ok but can I get some protective gear or something. 

John- Actually yes you can, the gear will be in a room that has a door thats leads to subject's-001 'room'. But we must not waste anytime Mr.Y/N, now go.

I gulped and slowly made my way to the room where the gear would be. I had no idea what I was about to see or yet alone know what is even going to happen with my first encounter with subject-001. I got inside the room and there was a box with a face shield, rubber gloves and a rubber apron. 


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The official Yandere's X worker readers one-shot book(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now