Yandere Party girl x Party DJ reader

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Requested by Darth_Void13

(Y/N's POV)

I was heading on the way to the house where I was hired as a party DJ and I was beyond happy that this gig was a huge one. But before I arrived at the place, I grabbed a soda from the gas station to drink before I make my entrance, I needed to get a little boosted up before I turn it up if you catch my meaning. Anyway, I saw the place and let me tell you....this is probably why I was paid so much in advance.

Y/N's mind- Damn, this person who called me is obviously extremely well-off beyond

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Y/N's mind- Damn, this person who called me is obviously extremely well-off beyond. I know my ass is gonna take advantage of this as best as I can.

Well, it's showtime.


It was almost 5pm and the party doesn't start till 7pm and I was getting my equipment started up, the playlist on deck and most of all....hyping myself. I was practicing the lines in my head when suddenly two teen boys came right up to me to say something.

Y/N- What's up gents?

Teen 1- So your the DJ tonight?

Y/N- Yup.

Teen 2- Well, we wanted to ask if you are that one DJ that goes by the internet name: CyberDJx_x

Y/N- Uh, yeah. Why? 

Teen 1- Well, one of our friends wanted to meet you and she is extremely excited about it too. 

Y/N- Well....ok then lead me to her then so I can meet a fan of mine.

Teen 2- Thats great, thanks bro for doing this.

I smiled and gave them a nod then they both lead me inside the house and I was nervous I admit to meeting this fan of mine but it shouldn't be too bad. We went up the stairs where there was a huge game room and there was about 4 people in total, one of the teens who was with me clapped his hands and the rest turned their heads on us.

Teen 1- Well guys, here is the man who will be making the party hella lit, please welcome.....Y/N! A.K.A The CyberDJx_x.

They cheered, whistled and clapped their hands and I waved at them smiling but in the inside I was having a nervous breakdown right about now and i couldn't just leave because the two teens dragged me closer to them. I was extremely shy at first but then over time, I opened up more and we were having a good time then when I looked at the time, I told them I needed to finish setting up my stuff and they understood and I was about to head out when....

????- Hey Y/N, you never got to meet me personally man!

I turned around to see one of the girls walking up to me.

I turned around to see one of the girls walking up to me

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