Chapter Thirty-Three: Family Rivalry

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"Now, where is my brothers daughter?" He leaned back in his seat. He had a narrow but stern face and his eyes where piercingly green and his hair was short and jet black with a few streaks of grey aging strands. "Don't tell me she is dead." He said bluntly "Why? To save your pathetic lives?!" He put his hands over his face "Well this alters my plans.." he grunted

"What plans?!" Maine yelled furiously.

The girl that stood beside him stepped forward. "The plans to have your sister lead a army of immortal warriors to take over all the burgs. We need all the resources to rebuild our burg-"

"It can be fixed another way!" Emma said sternly.

The man shook his head slowly "No, Dear Emma, you are the new ruler of Serpentae am I correct? Yes? So it's only fit you come to terms with the plans your farther and I had in place, and you will not stop these plans for they are already in place. The canines and the snakes will rebuild one big burg where everyone else is left slave to us, we are the superior in the food chain. The rest of you are prey." He said with a scowl "It's just extra proof that Nora had wasted her life to save you lot. It was all for naught. Because you will all die anyway. He flicked his hand and the girl shifted mid air pinning down the closest to her, Emma.

Maine gasped "Your Leah!!" She said with sudden realisation then in a flash of anger she growled "Your supposed to be Noras friend!!" She hissed leaping and shifting clawing onto Leahs fur.

Leah chuckled and shook herself free of Maines grip. "That tickled little kitty, try again." She wagged her tail.

Emma had shifted and struck at Leah. Leah rolled her head and laughed "Your poison dosent work on me, as it is your poisons mixed with other special little chemicals that keep me alive. Oh that's right!!" She looked at Maine as she held Emma down with all her weight. "Nora never told you didn't she?" She laughed maliciously "You where too late. The day you arrived was the day she died." She grinned savagely "You where too late." She growled

Maine stood there for a moment processing what that meant. "B-but she was alive, we all where travelling with her..."

"You where travelling with her body and artificial soul. Technology these days am I right?" Leah laughed.

Maines eyes filled with tears, she growled and sprung landing on Leahs face, claws unsheathed, she hissed as she latched on, drawing blood.

Emma whipped around and bit down in Leahs neck, Leah howled in pain and tried to fling them off with no avail. Jade and Sadie ran at full pelt and gripped onto Leahs back legs, biting down hard, hearing snaps and cracks of bone.

Otulissa drew her sword and charged, Leah was being held down, this was her chance to end it. Her sword was flipped out of her hands and the alpha stood over her, glowering. He whipped the sword around and knocked the hilt of her sword into her stomach. Emma's breath left her body and her head went numb as she fell to the floor unconscious. Alpha growled and slashed Otulissas sword across Sadie's back and across Jades. Sadie yelled and withered in pain. Alpha kicked Emma off of Leah and grabbed Maine by the scruff and ripped her off throwing her against the wall. "How pathetic of you to be held down by a bunch of pitiful prey. I really thought I taught you better Leah. I'm disappointed." He looked around at the body it's that lay on the floor and shifted. "I apologise for my intervention, but we need my daughter to continue the next generation of Warriors. I am a noble man and normally wouldn't have intervened." He said.

"N-nothing your doing is noble.... N-Nora was noble, everything she did... she d-did for us..." Maine wiped her moth of blood.

"And everything I'm doing is for my burg-"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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