Chapter Thirty-One: Decoy

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"Nora no." Mandy gave Nora a hard look.

Nora smiled and tilted her head "It'll be okay, your lack of belief in me hurts babe." Nora chuckled. Mandy cuddled Noras fluffy head and took in a deep breath.

"I know but it's hard to think anything good will happen in war. How else am I supposed to react to that?" Mandy whined

Nora raised a wolfy brow and grinned a wolfy grin "The same way everyone else will." She chuckled and turned around "Alright what I want everyone to do is shut up and listen." Nora barked and stared at Otulissa at the end. Otulissa gave a hard stare back. Nora sat down in front of everyone. "When I reach the end of the canyon and it's safe I want everyone to run threw, I've analysed them while we where talking, they are humans, they aren't shifters. Once they run out of ammo they won't go down to fight us. I am quick and battle ready, listen close. I want everyone to run threw and get into Canidae, it's a mile ahead. When you get in go to the main structure north of the burg, it should look like a skyscraper, almost similar to one of Owlinae. In there you will wait for me." Nora said.

"So your going to be a decoy?" Emma said in a dead tone. Nora gave a simple brief nod. "Nora no! Your our Alpha! You can't!" Emma exclaimed.

"And what if you don't make it threw? What do we do then oh wise one?" Otulissa blinked and raised a brow. Emma, Mandy, Maine, Jade and Sadie glared. Kenz gave Otulissa a confused look of puzzlement.

Nora gave Otulissa a deadpan look and rolled her eyes "In which case I die I want everyone to go around, it will take a long while but you'll get there, kill Alpha. Kill my king. And kill Leah." Nora said. "That is what you will do." She stood up and gave Kenz and Mandy and Maine a lick on the cheek before starting her long dash.

"Why don't we just go around now? Why can't we just avoid all this?!" Maine clenched her fists.

"Because by then we would have accomplished nothing! There are Icebees and Splades littered threw out those passages! Believe it or not this is the safest, quickest way! And I said to myself before we left; I will not let any on you die under my watch! So as long as I am breathing none of you will get so much as a scratch without me knowing!" Nora growled. Everyone nodded and shut up. "Guys your lack faith in me hurts." Nora winked and wagged her tail. "I'll be fine!" She got up and trotted around the rock.

Everyone peeked over the rock in anticipation.
Nora took a deep breath as she approached the canyon. Just get to the end. Nora picked up her pace and howled to get the attention of the guards. She bounced side to side and barked. "Yo scales for brains!!! Over here!! How's this for a full moon!!" She bowed down and lifted her tail wagging it. Bang, bang bang bang!! Bullets flew everywhere, Nora dodged and skidded in the snow, her paws manoeuvred in a way only a skilled warrior would move, her tail angled every move and made them sharper, her eyes wide open and ears flat down against her head. She felt the wind of every bullet that when they her, all the bullets that failed to penetrate her skin. Nora chuckled and poked out her tongue as she ran, her fur swaying as the wind tossed and mattered it. She could see the guards trying to rush to reload the guns. Nora laughed and zig-zagged around and looped around, try to use up all their ammo. Nora kept flaming to the end, not far, not far at all!!! She heard the satisfying clicks of empty guns it was working, they where running out of ammo. Everyone behind the rock flinched at every bang of each gun. Mandy tried multiple times to cover Kenzes eyes but to no avail.

Decoy, that is what I am, that is what I shall be until I'm done here. I've been on this journey, each of us learned so much. We all grew within a short time. Four months at most, and for two of them I was asleep. How stupid I was to make everyone worry, that's the last thing I wanted. Emma even accepted and forgave me instantly for what I did, How I killed her farther. Emma's has learnt responsibility, accepting what is there and wanting to make it better, she had no sight but had true vision. Otulissa in a way learnt something new, a bird who's afraid of heights, to a bird who waits above the highest expectations, feeling sympathy when it was needed. Maine grew so much, she became so strong, since when I met her in the burg, she became a true warrior and I? I became a little selfish, selfish in a good way, I want my friends to stay alive and strong so I'd do anything to ensure I got what I wanted. I learnt to work as a team unlike in the burg, I'd fight on my own. How the prophesied Pack AplhaOmega had grown. I'm so proud of my family.

A explosion singed Noras fur, Nora yelped and dodged, continuing on her path to the end, less bikers flew by, the clinks of more empty guns sounded. Noras heart fluttered I'm going to make it!! She pressed further, her paws thundered against the icy hard snow, as if she had left her mark on the world. Nora skidded to a stop. No more gunfire! She turned around and wagged her tail, her eyes beaming. I made it! She heard cheers from the other side of the canyon.
Nora looked up and saw a small ball fly down from the top of the canyon. "Shit."

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