Chapter Thirty-Two: Keep On

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Mandy pulled Kenz back and spun her away from the sight. the force of the explosion sent shockwaves all the way back to the rock. Mandy hugs Kenz tight, not knowing quite what to say, everyone literally just saw a person get blown up, just saw Nora, get blown up. the smell of skin filled the air, Noras skin.

"Nora!!" Maine yelled, Emma trying her best to hold her back. "You cowards!!!" Maine yelled trying to slip out of Emma's grip "I'll kill every one of you!! Every last one of you!!" She yelled and slunk down. "This isn't real." She whispered. Emma rubbed her back in an attempt to comfort.

Otulissa got up and started to walk into the canyon. Maine looked up and growled "Are you happy now?"

"What?" Otulissa turned around.

"You got what you wanted. So again; are you happy now?" Hot tears lined Maines face.

Otulissa looked away, "I never thought she would die. So no, I'm not satisfied. I'm shocked." She said blankly. It shook her more than she let know. "We have to keep moving, they will be back with more ammunition soon." She said.

Maine stood up and clenched her fists "Let us grieve-"

"You can grieve after! For now we need to use what Nora have us; time. Don't let her sacrifice go in vain." Otulissa said stoically.

Emma stood up "Otulissa has a point. We can mourn after." She turned and closed her blind eyes. "Mandy, you can stay here with Kenz if you wish. We will come back when the fight is over." Emma said. "As for the rest of us, let's go." Emma followed the sound of Otulissas footsteps.

Mandy sat there with Kenz in her arms and rocked slightly back and forth. Kenz sat motionless "Where did Nora go?" She whispered. "She disappeared behind the fire." Kenz mumbled.

Mandy tried to calculate what to say what would Nora say? Mandy opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out. Nothing but a small pitiful sob, she squeezed Kenz tighter and closed her eyes, humming the song Nora hummed all the time.
Emma, Otulissa, Jade, Maine and Sadie kept low and close to the wall. Each step was silent and precise. Their hearts pounded in their chest as they got closer to the end. Otulissa quickened her page and closed her onyx black eyes i till she got past the end of the canyon. So did everyone else event Maine and Sadie. Maine stopped and saw Nora lain against a small rock, her clock waving, snagged on a small stick a little bit away from her. Sadie grabbed the cloak in her jaws and handed it to Maine. Maine hugged the green-blue cloak and pay it over Noras body, she sighed and ran to join the others, Sadie following after.

"There's the tower Nora told us about." Otulissa whispered. "Let's go, full paste." She got up and ran. Everyone ran as fast as they could, avoiding gunfire and bombs, Dragons and snakes battling each other and maroon red blood stained the snow. Everyone kept their eyes forward, the tower almost shon with a sense of superiority.

Everyone moved in quietly, Emma tripped every now and then on rubble and grunted in annoyance. They reached a flight of stairs and stop, panting trying to catch their breath. "Should we go up? What do we do now?" Jade asks between breaths.

"If i where a evil alpha is want to be watching  from above, away from the danger of battle." Emma said quickly composing herself. "I say we go to the top." Emma added.

"What if it's a trap and Nora was wrong?" Otulissa grumbled crossing her arms

"Why must you always question everything!?" Maine growled turning to Otulissa.

"Because if I don't than we could all get killed!" Otulissa snapped back

"We have been fine ignoring your comments! We aren't dead are we?!" Maine growled

"Not yet we aren't and I do recall one of us is!" Otulissa stepped closer to Maine

Emma stood between the two "That's enough! Your both going to bring unwanted attention! We are supposed to be a team! A pack! Or have you forgotten?!" Emma hissed. "Get over your petty argument and shift into your beasts. We have to be small and quiet and obviously being in human form isn't going to work." Emma said sternly.

Maine huffed and obeyed. Otulissa clenched her jaw "Stop telling me what to do!" She yelled.

Emma tackled her and pinched her cheek "Shut up or go home! We have had enough! All of us!" Emma's face went red, her blind eyes seemed so clear and vividly blue now. "Even Nora who showed you upmost kindness! And you discriminate her because she is a hybrid well guess what!? She had saved all of our lives multiple times! Showed my people kindness when we where at war! Show some respect and listen to me!" Emma got up and shifted into her snake form. She turned to the others. "Excuse me for my behaviour." She said discretely and tilted her head "Quick, shift. People are coming, they must've heard us." She started to slither up the stairs. Everyone shifted and followed along.

"Hey!!" Someone shouted "Halt intruders! Halt!" Everyone sped up. There where people coming down the stairs stopping them in their tracks. Everyone formed a back to back circle and glanced around. They where surrounded and there was no chance of getting out of this without conflict. They all leapt and attacked, pushing the guards back and biting, clawing, kicking and hitting them. Maine leapt from one to the other, she learnt how to by watching Nora fight. Jade easily took another down knocking him unconscious against the wall, Emma slightered up the leg on one and wrapped herself around another's neck and strangled her till she collapsed. Sadie launched herself at two guards holding them both down with each front paw, she growled and bit their heads snapping their necks.

Otulissa grunted as she fought in human form "We are outnumbered!" She called

"Keep fighting we can push threw them!" Jade called back.

"We are going to get ourselves killed!" Otulissa yelled back "We need to retreat!" She added

Maine leapt and took out another guard "We are not abandoning this mission!" She spat with her fur raised.

"Fight the enemies not each other!" Emma called over the fighting. "We could really use Noras fire right now." She muttered to herself before striking and biting a guard.

A spurt of flame shot from below. Everyone stopped and looked hopefully at the direction of the flame. Kenz came charging up full force and belched another spurt of fire. Mandy came up too, soaked in blood, growling savagely. "What are you all waiting for! I thought you'd be higher up by now!" Mandy yipped.

"We've had trouble keeping quiet." Mandy growled.

"Let's keep moving, I feel more are cooking our way." Emma hissed.

Everyone ran up the stairs, it was a narrow spiral al the way up and the railing was old and untrustworthy, as if it where to break at the slightest pressure. The walls where a cream-yellow colour with a few white patches of paint here and there. It smelt awful, like wet cardboard. They finally reached the top and stood in their beast forms panting. All of them shifted out of exhaustion and looked at each other asking themselves the same question; is this the end? Maine stood up straight and held her head up "What ever happens in there, we fight for Nora and the people of Dragonae, the people of all the burgs." She said angrily. "Let's do this." She grinned and turned to the door kicking it open.

A huge window welcomed in bright light almost blinding them. A man on a swirly chair swiveled around and smirked, the girl beside him stood ready to attack. "Greetings..." his deep voice echoed threw the near empty, large room.

#1 Shifters: The Iced City Of CanidaeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora