Chapter Twenty-Nine: On We March

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Nora had recollected herself and sat upright in the water. "Now we leave at dawn! I'll be fit enough to fight and we can finally stop the war! The dragons can have their home back!" Nora said cheerfully. "Magic can return and the ice will stop melting, the world will be in balance! It'll be as if nothing ever happened.... almost nothing..." Nora said sadly as she got up. Water drizzled off of her saturated clothes. "There's a plan I have in mind, just me. No one else will get involved, got it? Not you, not Emma, jade, Maine anyone. I am planning to overthrow the king of burg Canidae. I will take the role of.... ugh.... queen. When I was fighting Ex-King Verocca, he said something.... something that made sense and didn't at the same time and since then I had a bad feeling-"

The Queen walked back out "You are safe to leave the pool of water now. Go home and get dry or the cold will bite ya." The queen winked.

They thanked the Queen and left the cave. It was freezing but Nora ignored it. The three walked together in silence. Nora had a uneasy feeling of being watched. "Guys...." Nora heard footsteps in the distance, they turned and quickly approached. Nora moved as quick as lightning, pushing Kenz and Mandy out of the way and shifted rolling and tumbling with the approacher, until they came to a halt, Nora was pinned. 

Nora blinked and saw her attacker clearly, a white wolf. "Leah!!" Nora wagged her tail.

"Shut up!!!! Shut up shut up shut up!! Shut. Up!!!!" She barked and digged her claws into Noras shoulders. Noras face whent from joyful to sad. "How dare you leave me behind!!! You even took her!! You left with the cat and left the burg vulnerable!!! You know what, it dosent even matter now!! We... We are going to ally ourselves with the snakes, and create a army of imortal warriors!! Something you where supposed to be a part of!!! But no, you had to go on a noble quest to save the world!~" She yeled. Nora gave her a deadpan look and kicked her off with her back legs getting up quickly.

"This isn't right! This isn't doing any good!" Nora barked back.

"Shut up!! You don't know what it felt like to see your home being burned! And then get told by your farther that we actually allied with the enemy! Speaking of which...." she composed herself and stood straight, paws together with her nose up and eyes closed. "Your farther, you should thank him. After all, he died a noble death protecting your location." She said simply. "Yes, he called your mother, Din, telling her how he over heard you and your sisters conversation. We missed important details so we took him for questioning. He wouldn't spill so we spilled his blood." She said in a sing song tone.

Nora swallowed hard, she couldn't loose it, not in front of Kenz. Later. "Your different. It hurts to see you so blind and bound by your faith to your farther, not to your people. As princess you should have seen right from wrong and put a stop to it." Nora said.

Leah growled and her composure dropped to a ready to leap crouch "Don't you dare talk to me about loyalty!!" She barked.

"Mandy get Kenz out of here now!" Nora barked.

Leah glanced at Mandy and relaxed slightly "don't tell me...." she said in a mocking tone. "You really are aren't you? Together?" She snorted a laugh. "How immature!" She laughed.

Nora deadpanned Leah again 'well this got weird' "Yeah, we are. And we will take place as queens and rebuild a safe and good Canidae! For you have lost your right as princess by leading our burg to death! You have sent our people to the after life where they shall watch as Mandy and I remake the burg happy and cheerful again! Where Mandy and I irradiate stereotypes and bring all of the burgs together as one nation!! Even if I have to challenge you and your farther, from this day we are no longer sisters, but newly made enemies." Nora growled.

"You can't take my place!!!" Leah leapt in a fit of rage, mouth frothing.

"Many run now!!" Nora said before hers and leahs bodies crashed. Nora could hear Kenzes whines of protest but they ebbed away in the wind. Nora kicked Leah off of her with her back legs and sprung up leaping at her and thumped her in the head with a giant paw. Leah yelped and was thrown to the side, quickly springing back up. They circled each other for a moment before the tow of them leapt at the same time, jaws snapping, claws ripping and teeth tearing. Nora managed to slip her jaws past Leahs and sink her teeth into her throat. Leah yelped and ripped back. She stood rugged and growling for a moment. "I'm not done with you! I will end you!! I hate you!!" Leah growled before dashing away in the snow.

Nora stood panting, those words hurt more than her opened wounds or bite marks. They where like sisters, inseparable, they saved each others lives on more than one occasion, they grew up together, ate together and trained together. How could Leah have become so corrupt? Nora slowly trudged home to bothered you transform back to her human self, her mind was to active on other things. On Leah.

Nora washed herself in a little lake that was decised as a spring by the illusion of the town and made her way back. When she got there she saw everyone waiting for her, even to her surprise, Otulissa, who even more surprisingly, looked sympathetic. It was obvious Mandy had told them everything. Nora lifted her snout and wagged her tail slowly. "What's up?" She said trying to sound happy.

First Kenz then Sadie, Then Maine, Emma, Jade, Mandy and then Otulissa, all came together and surrounded her in a hug. Nora shifted to her human self and sobbed. They knew it was taking a toll on Nora, they opened their minds and imagined it as if it happened to them, and how hard it would be on them. Even Otulissa who felt it hard, had come to feel sympathetic.

Nora cleared her throat "Well, I guess we leave at dawn so, early night anyone?" Nora said as everyone detached from the hug. Everyone said their bit and when to their rooms. That night, Mandy, Kenz and Nora stayed together with Sadie at the foot of their bed.

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