Chapter Twenty: For You

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(Pic above is Nora after fighting a battle. Don't mess with my/Nora's friends!)

Mandy reluctantly stepped back behind Nora who was growling savagely, her hackles raised and teeth glinting with crimson red blood even Mandy was afraid of her. Nora ducked and tripped the first four rows of guards and tore their necks and faces off, ripping and tearing and all the while barking and growling. She saw a guard with a spear approach Mandy who jumped and grabbed the spear spining in mid air and launching it into his throat. He fell to the floor satisfyingly. Mandy and Nora slowly pushed the guards back up the stairs. Nora shifted human and uppercut one of the guards, elbowing the other in the jaw, dropkicking another to the floor than planting her heel in his face then shifting wolf to jump off the side of the wall on-top of another guard who she made easy kill of. Nora felt more stinging sensations on her hip rib and shoulder again. Nora latched herself at the guard who fired the bullets and clawed his torso to shreds in seconds before jumping off of him onto another one who slided his blade down her back as she jumped onto the guard beside him, she used her claws to dig at his face and leap at the guard who sliced her back. She grabbed his neck and threw him down the stairs surprising Mandy enough to make her yelp in surprise. Nora looked back at Mandy and could see she was doing okay, the blood on her white fur was of guard blood only as far as Nora could tell, Afterall Mandy was fighting the ones who got too close to her that Nora missed. Nora caught the wood bar of a spear between her teeth just before it could land on her skin and she shoved it back  into the into the guards stomach and shifted human, grabbing the back of his head and slamming it into her knee. She leapt up three more stairs of which the guards where retreating. She latched onto a guards leg and grabbed him from under knocking over a few guards behind him and ripping out their throats, Nora had thought to herself she had done the right thing leaving every one back at the burg, she didn't want then to see her this way, livid and boiling. But no-one takes her friends and family and gets away with it easy. 

Nora backed up and inhaled and let out a rod of flames, hundreds of guards screamed in agony. Nora was always loyal and always protective, for someone to threaten someone she cares about was signing your own death certificate. She leapt and was caught and thrown down a few flights of stairs. She shook it off with a wince and ran back up leaping in the first guard she saw, breathing out another flame and bit his face untill she heard a solid crack. Nora could see the walls of the upper floor now, they just had too keep pushing. Mandy yelped and jumped back, just above her little white elbow a circle of blood formed on her fur. Nora followed where the direction of the bullet came from a ND leapt on three guards heads and shifted midair and grabbed out her own special dagger and slit his throat in one easy slice. She held out her freehand and shot another rod of flames. She looked at Mandy who gave a nod of 'im ok' and continued fighting. Nora jumped and shifted and slashed and shifted and bit and clawed and ripped her way threw the guards. A she hated the ones with the swords and guns, those where the worst, she was slowly loosing energy, even adrenaline couldn't help her. She barked and leapt into yet another guard, shifter and stabbed him in the face, turning to another, punching him in the cheek with the hilt of her dagger and then slicing his throat then stabbing him in the gut before whipping around and sliced another across his mouth, However many where left ran. Nora mad her way to the top of the stairs and panted. She felt dizzy and hot. She shook her head and looked up to a blade pointed at her throat. The man behind the golden sword was King Veroka himself. Mandy ducked in and out herself between Nora's throat and the tip of the sword.

"Why have you done this?" King Veroka said angrily, his pale green eyes narrowed. "I trust you with my daughter, my weaponry and you do this!?!" He gestured to the couple dozen dead guards

"You.. you took..." Nora had to catch her breath "My best friend..I came to. . Take back what's... What's mine." She said with a deep growl, Mandy could feel the deep rumble of Nora's throat she felt safe and scared by what seems to have been Nora's hidden strengths, whatever it was Mandy seen it today and it was terrifying.

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