Chapter Eleven: Ransacked

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By the time the team got to the little ferrets scrap yard, it seemed emptier than Nora originally imagined. Maine was surprised when the little creature squealed in surprise "Everything has been taken!! oh, oh no." 

She jumped off Nora's shoulder and shifted mid air, stumbling over her feet as she landed and started running, off around the corner she went. "Siam!!" She screeched. Nora, Maine and Sadie, bearing Emma on her shoulders, ran to where the little girl was grouching over another girl, slightly older and soaked in blood. 

"They took the metal!! They took the scraps, and they ran off leaving my twin to die!!" She yelled. "Those rabbits.." She growled curling back her lip. "Those rabbits will pay." She growled. 

Emma slid down and shook her head "She isn't dead ferret." Emma said as if it where funny, funny that the little girl thought her older duplicate was dead, but nothing was funny. Tranity looked at Emma with a confused, heartbroken face. Emma knelt down beside Siam and let a drop of venom from her fangs. 

"Don't go near her with that!!" Tranity hissed. 

"She has been hit with a dart containing our venom, do you want me to save her or not!" Emma hissed

"Well let me help you if you cant see." Trinity persisted.

"I don't need help i can sense the epicenter of the dart!" Emma felt offended that someone felt obligated to help her do a task just because shes blind

 it always had annoyed her, like the time she was five and wanted to do the Serpantae challenge for all witch was to shift and fight until one last one was standing, and her farther ordered everyone that she was to win because she was blind. Emma hissed at Tranity to stay silent and slathered the drop on the wound, slowly the black marks on the skin faded, it seemed Emma had a antivenom of some sort.

Siam jumped awake hissing and spitting curses and threats, Emma jumped back and Tranity lunged forward and embraced her twin.

Sadie hand't said much the whole time since leaving her pack, and already, she thought, this was full of the adventure she ever so craved. Nora sighed and walked over between Maine and Sadie, Petting Sadie between the ears. 

She wanted so badly to ask about the rhodium, she wanted to get out of this strange filthy place, and most of all, run on all four paws and connect with her animal side. Nora slowly willed her body to shift but didn't get far before the burning pain started, and fur barely began to sprout, so, no one even noticed she had tried. 

finally after sobbing and a story of the attack from Siam, Siam realized the strange people where here for something. "What are you here for anyhow." Siam asked. for a young girl in Ferrinae she was well spoken.

"Rhodium." Nora said. "And quickly, we are in a hurry and already, we have ran into interruptions." Nora grumbled. 

"Oh, well, most the rhodium had stolen, but i have a few bits hidden within the house, hang on just one moment." Siam scurried off. when she came back a chunk of shiny silver metal was balanced on her back. "Try to hide it from sight until you have reached your destination. others will try to steal it from you."

Nora nodded, it was placed in Maine's backpack considering it was the largest of bags. Nora nodded her thanks and turned to finally leave the burg, it had only been half of a hour here, but even one minute was too much, and next they had to deal with the rabbits. Nora thought back to what din was going to say on the phone and it occurred to her that she tried to tell Nora of the war here. it wasn't really A war. it was like comparing a toddler fight over a toy to a adult gang bash, and the rabbits and ferrets where the toddlers. 

"Wait!!" A small voice broke threw the air, breaking Nora's train of thought. It was Tranity, who was pelting across the snow at high speed it startled Nora and Sadie at the same time. 

Maine tilted her head "What?" She asked, what could it possibly be now? they had the metal, now they where to leave, Maine was just as tired of this place as Nora, and Sadie grew irritated with the small creatures skimming over her big paws where as Emma, she had fallen asleep. 

"I want to come with you, you are heading to Felenae right?" She looked at Maine. 

Maine looked at Nora and Nora shrugged "Yes we are heading to Felenae, but there's a war there too, if your seeking refuge, you might want to head to Owlinae. and before we go to Felenae we have to go past Rabbitae." Maine said.

Tranity thought for a moment, recoiled slightly. "I'm not seeking refuge, i'm wanting to fight in a war that needs fighting for. this, this is petty. its childish, i want to fight for Felenae. ill hide in this ones pocket when you get to Rabbitae." Tranity urged climbing into Nora's cloak and into a pocket.

Maine looked at Nora differently now, her face asking if Tranity can come. Nora sighed and nodded and finally, finally they left Ferrinae.  

Tranitys head bobbed at the pace Nora kept beside Maine, in cat from and Sadie, who speed walked to Rabbitae. "Didn't anyone notice anything about the people of Ferrinae"

"They like running over my paws?" Sadie grunted

"Their homes are made of tin and there's trash everywhere?" Nora suggested

"No, no, no. they are all shifters." Tranity said emphasizing the word all. Maine recalled she didn't see any humans at all. Nora with the same realization. "The humans all died out, no water wielders either, that's why we used rope to open the door, did you not realize that? Ransacking happens all thew time, and many of us die, that's why the guards where strict." Tranity was cut off with a snort of laughter from Nora who made fast work of opening the door.

"Look i know you think my burg is annoying and filthy and all those other thinks i know your thinking, but it was a clean place, it truly was. and our people come in numbers. maybe i can contact my brother, the king, and see if he can drop the childish game he is playing and help Ferrinae." She said. 

Maine smiled in a silent thanks to the little creature who, didn't seem so annoying anymore, but rather smart.

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