Chapter Eighteen: Follow You

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(Pic above is Maine)(also note all art I post from here on out is from a website called Picrew, go check it out!)

Nora sat in the snow, small piles built up on her knees and head. She was in deep thought, all her ideas seemed so good in thought but in reality, would get herself and Mandy killed. Nora had to do it the most sensible way, sneak in, sneak out. Nora didn't notice the cold, the way her fingertips where starting to turn blue, or each hair on her body standing up or the goosebumps that dotted her skin.

Nora could hear people call her from miles back, they have been for a while now but sound carries well in the open snow but not was she determined to move, she was buisy. A small ball of yellow-white fur padded up to her "Hey Tranity." Nora said without glancing at her. Tranity sat and gazed into the distance like Nora "Your going to get that fox back right? Your going to save people again?" She whispered
Nora nodded.
"Alone too I'm guessing." Tranity chuckled, again Nora nodded.
"I'll lead them away-"
"No." Nora said, she had finally come up with a good strategy. "They need to know I'm okay,and I need to talk to everyone about this." Nora said, she stood up and let the snow on her laps fall and ruffled the snow out of her hair with her numb hands. Nora turned to where the voices where traveling from "I'm here!" She called back and walked casually back to the group of people, to Nora's surprise, it was a decent amount of the burg too so, it made her feel nice. Main ran up to her sister and gave her a hug.

Nora lost her footing but regained it and looked up at her sister slightly in bafflement. Main pulled away "I'm sorry about Mandy, bit we are getting her back right? When do we leave?" Main said with wide eyes. Nora looked at Maine with genuine bright hopeful eyes "Yes, I am going to get Mandy back and I am leaving at dusk. I'll explain more when we get back because I am freezing!!" Nora shivered. Tranity crawled up Nora's back, onto her shoulder, down her and and into Nora's hands which Mande Nora chuckle.

All where in the dome huddled together in front of Nora who was standing in her uniform with the added cloak. "I shall be going on my own to retrieve my conrad who was taken in battle this morning. I shall leave my big sister in charge." There was a ripple of murmers, most confused about the age of the two girls. "Remember if anyone disobeys her, you will awnser to me when I return." Nora said sternly. "I suppose whilst I'm up here I shall share to you all a prophacey, me and my fellow conrads share. We are to find a hidden burg, we must follow the owls wing, the constalation that points southeast, that's where we believe we shall find these people who can end the war and we can go back to living our lives normally." Nora inwardly cringed, for her and her fellow Canadians it will never be the same again. "Judging by sun height I leave in an hour, and queries please speak to me as soon as possible." Nora said and with that, turned and started to pack her small shoulder bag.

Nora was angry but was hiding it, there was no need to take it out on other people, they didn't ask for it to happen, they didn't know it was going to happen. A flitter of feathers sounded threw the entrance and a white fox came threw, not Mandy's white fox fur, but Raylas. Rayla immediately shifted to their human form and speed walked to Nora "What on earth happened?!" They ask in a hushed yell.

Nora bit her lip and steadied herself "We where attacked, a few hours ago. They... They took Mandy." Nora looked down to the side ashamed.

Rayla shook their head "We saw nothing on the way here, but we did get the top five best water weilders." They said gesturing to the five confused people near the entrance.

Nora nodded "Maine is in charge while I'm gone, you are in charge of these people, ask Jade where she wants everything done."

"Your going to get Mandy aren't you? Alone?" Rayla said with a arched brow. Nora half smiled and nodded. "Silent has never been your strong suit, Nora." They chuckled. "I wish you the best, and return safe with Mandy got it?"

Nora smiled and stood straight and did a salute which ultimately meant respect between canine shifters. Rayla did the same back and Nora chucked her shoulder bag on. Nora hung around till nightfall, she got a feast in and said her good byes. Din walked up to her daughter and smiled "You've grown into a strong warrior. I'm so proud but so scared. Please, return safely okay?" She said as she held Nora's hands, the one warm and full of life, the other cold and dead. Nora nodded not quite sencing her mother's wiryness over the robotic arm.

Nora climbed out of the dome and In to the outside world. Maine sat at the entrance. "Why cant I go with you? While your saving Mandy, who's going to save you?" She said quietly. Nora hoisted the rest of her body out of the hole and sat beside Maine.

Nora gazed at the bright stars "If.... If I don't come home-"

"Do t say that! You will come home..." Maines eyes rimmed with tears.

Nora grimaced "I need you to take AphaOmega to the hidden vurg-"

"I won't have to because you'll be there, stop talking like that!"

"Maine!" Nora said sternly like a verbal slap to the face "A warrior needs to accept that they aren't going to win every battle. I am going into the heart of Serpantae, without Emma's permit of protection, I am a hostile invader." Nora said strongly "I'll fight and I'll return, but I won't make it a promise, because you cNt make promises you can't keep." She looked at Maine hoping she would understand.

Nora got up and shifted into her wolf and looked back at Maine who stood in her Mainecoon form now "Please, please promise you'll return." She begged

Nora licked her Wolfy lips and bounded away, to follow her bestfriend to almost certain death.,

#1 Shifters: The Iced City Of CanidaeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum