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"You can't help everyone. Sometimes, the only person you can help is yourself."


You took the elevator down again, trying to find where Killua and Gon went. It seemed like luck was on your side, because they were both sitting on the bench next to the elevator.

"Oh, hey guys," you waved to them. They stood up and walked over to you, already being done with their matches. You noticed Gon had bandages wrapped around his head, covering his forehead.

"Gon are you alright?" You asked, pointing to his head.

His eyes looked upward before meeting yours again, "Yeah, it started bleeding a little after your match started."

"Shouldn't you go to the hospital then?" You asked, growing more concerned.

"No, it stopped bleeding a while ago," Gon smiled.

"If you say so," you slouched your back slighty, just wanting to lay down on a bed and sleep.

"You sure took a beating," Killua joked, looking at the small amounts of blood on your clothes.

Looking down, you hung your mouth open and tried to scub it off with your thumb. Once it was clear you weren't helping the situation, you sighed out, "It's fine, I was planning on going clothes shopping anyway." Looking at the brown package in you hand, you were even more thankful you won that fight. "So-" You looked up at Gon and Killua," -Did you win your fights?"

"Yeah! I won 60,000 Jenny!" Gon yelled, holding up his own package.

"Me too!" You yelled as well, showing your package to him.

Killua absently nodded, "It was an interesting match." 

He began walking, you and Gon walking next to him. "Was Zushi really that strong? That'd be pretty cool," you asked, tapping your chin.

"No way. He might have potential, so he'll be strong one day," Killua spoke, "For now anyway, he's just target practice."

"You could be less brutal about it," you told him, scrunching your face up. "I mean, I barely won my fight. If they landed two more hits on me, I would be going down to the fortieth floor."

"But they didn't and you're not," Killua said, taking down whatever arguments you tried to make relevant. "Zushi is someone who I could knock around easily. Even so," he stopped abruptly in the hall, almost making you run into him. "I couldn't beat him. I won the match, TKO by points, but no matter what I did, he kept getting back up. And, when his stance changed, I got the feeling I got when I went up aginst Illumi. It was dangerous and I heard his master call it 'Ren.'"

"Ren? Like 'Humanity' or 'Kidney?'" You asked, confused as to what he was saying.

"What do you mean?" Gon asked, his eyebrows scrunched together.

Killua turned around and looked at Gon, "She means what it means in either Chinese or English Medical terms." He looked over to you, "And I don't know." 

Feeling some anxiety crawl up your throat, you swallowed it down. 

"So, Zushi isn't supposed to use Ren?" Gon asked. "Until he gets all the way to the top floor?" Gon looked at you, "That's where the strongest fighters are, right?" You nodded your head to his question.

"[y/n], Gon, we need to change our plan," Killua said, his eyes set in determination. 

'...We had a plan?'  You asked yourself, trying to keep a serious face on instead of a clueless one.

Killua put a little smile on, "I say we shoot for the top."

"Right!" Gon nodded enthusiastically.

"To the top!" You yelled, pumping a fist. Standing up, you shifted the backpack on your back, "Anyway, I'm going to go get those new clothes. Blood doesn't really suit me."

"Here, we'll go with you [y/n]," Gon offered, standing up as well.

"You don't have to," you promised, holding your hands up. "Besides, don't you two still have matches you want to do?"

"But it's no fun if we don't stay together," Gon argued, walking to the side of you.

"Gon, this isn't about fun. This is about training," you poked his forehead, trying to get your point through his skull. 

"We can always take the matches tomorrow, right Killua?" Gon asked him.

Killua stood up and nodded, "It wouldn't be very safe for you to go out alone, anyway."

"I can take care of myself, Killua," you told him, offended that he thought you couldn't.

"And I'm well aware of that, but there are people who're stronger then me here, so it'd be better to stick together," he reasoned. 

Huffing and crossing your arms, you reluctantly nodded, "Fine. We can go to the shop that I saw on the way here." You felt like you were burdening them with everything, but you couldn't argue against it.

Walking through the streets, you soon arrived at the clothes place. 

"How about this one?" Killua grabbed a bright yellow tank top from the rack.

"No, tank tops aren't my style," you told him, looking through the rest of the racks.

Killua sighed and looked through them with you, "What about this?" Holding up a red, black, and white jacket, he handed it to you.

"Maybe," thinking over to what you saw from before, an idea spawned in your head. "Thanks Killua!" You yelled, before running off through the store.

"You're welcome," Killua said, waiting by the entrance of the place.

Gon had been fiddling with the hair clips, before Killua pulled him out.

Grabbing the clothes you wanted, you walked to the changing rooms. After the attendant unlocked it for you, you took off your old clothes and put on your new ones.

You dusted off the plain black shirt and looked at yourself through the mirror. Fixing your red cap, you straightened out the jacket and made sure it fit alright.

Once you were done, you changed out of them and into your old ones. Talking to the cashier and buying your clothes, all of the items coming to a clean 20,400 Jenny. Placing them in the bag, you met up with Killua outside.

Walking back to the hotel you were staying at, you ran to your room and laid on your bed, your eyes involuntarily closing. Your bag has slipped from your hands and fallen to the floor.

But you were too passed out to notice.

Over the course of three days, you kept up your winning streak. Two matches each day, most of which the three of you had at the same time. Your body felt like giving out, but it felt nothing like training for the Testing Gate. 

And over the course of those few days, Gon and Killua seemed to have become celebrities. With their one hit K.O moves, they were constantly featured on the screens. Once you reached the 110th floor, they gave you your own room.

Now, you were walking through the halls with Gon and Killua, when Zushi and Wing crossed your paths

there were some issues with this chapter, which is why it is shorter than others. Sorry about that

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