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"Stand up and walk.
Keep going forward.
At least you have strong legs to take you there."

- Edward Elric

You decided that you hated the Hunter Exam.

Why was there so much physical exercise? Couldn't you be like that Hunter Lippo who watches over the prison? Or do whatever it is that Bean does?

This was beyond human capabilities, that's probably why so many monsters took the exam.

No. If Leorio made it this far, then so could you!

That's it! Keep thinking positive!

Your eyes stared at the brown hue, some green mixing in. Someone else had walked here and smushed the falling leaves into the dirt. The trees above you provided a decent amount of shade, some strands of sunlight peeking through.

Walking along, you hoped you were going the right way. The chances of finding Killua where the badge was thrown was slim to none. He probably already left from his previous spot.

You didn't even know if he was the one who threw the badge.

Could've been Hisoka who threw it for all you know.

Now that you thought about it, it wouldn't of been Hisoka. If anything, he either would've taken the badge or severely harmed the other person, leaving their badge right in front of them.

Yeah, that sounded about right.

You pulled down your shorts further, they were starting to roll up again, taking your black leggings with them. You adjusted your backpack and walked a bit faster, trying to get closer to your destination faster.

Soon enough, huge tree roots blotted your path. Sighing, you began climbing and walking over them, grumbling to yourself.

You also decided you did not like it when people pressed their knife-like nails against your neck.

"Holy right hand of destruction!" You shouted, bringing your hands up to the persons hand, planning to pull it off.

"Hm?" The person retracted their hand, stepping around you. "Oh, it's just you [y/n]," that voice was familiar.

"Killua?" You turned to your right, meeting gazes with the blue eyed boy. "Where'd you come from?"

"I was sleeping up there in the trees," he pointed his hand above you, to the clutter of branches and leaves. "And I heard someone coming. I could tell it wasn't anyone strong, so I didn't hesitate in jumping down. Turns out, it was only you," he shrugged, folding his hands behind his heads.

Staring blankly at him, you shook your head. "It works out for me then. I was looking for you, actually," you told him, letting your hands fall by your thighs.

"Why?" Killua asked, his mouth turning into the smallest smile.

"Your cut," you pointed to his waist. "I didn't want it to get infected, so we need to change it."

Killua let out an 'oh,' and nodded.

Standing on a more flat and safe surface, you motioned for him to take off his shirt.

Unpeeling the bandage from his waist, it brought up a rather strange question.

"Hey Killua, could I ask you something?" You took off the last of the bandage and threw it in the same side pocket as your old one. It looked like there was minimal bleeding, just a crisp line and few spots.

"You just did, but sure," he watched as you fished out your bandage roll.

"Your cut," you began wrapping his torso again. "It's just, you have the cut, but your clothes aren't torn, so I was wondering how you got it."

"I don't really know how. To be honest, I didn't notice I had it until you pointed it out," he smiled a bit wider. "I was thinking it came from my soulmate."

"That would make sense," you tore off the bandage from the roll, placing the remainder into your bag. Standing up, knees popping, you hoisted your backpack onto your back. "Do you already have all of your points?"

"Yeah, you?" He asked, pulling his shirts back on.

"Yeah," you nodded, looking around. "I guess we go back to the dock place, right?"

Killua nodded, shoving his hands into his pockets.

The walk was awkward and completely silent. You had no idea what to talk to him with, usually Gon was there to ease the tension. You'd only ever been alone with Killua alone and that was during the first phase.

You didn't talk much then too.

Wow, you were really boring

"So, Killua," you rubbed your arm. "How'd finding the brothers go?"

Killua seemed to think for a minute, before responding. "One of them was following me, the others just showed up," he brought his hand up and tilted his pointer finger to the side, slightly. A very smug smirk made its way to his face, "I handled them with ease, obviously. Which reminds me, that ninja guy was there too, how'd you get his badge?"

"I didn't," you told him, rubbing the corner of your eye. "I took two from random people and found another on the ground."

"I hope Gon makes it into the final phase. kartpika and Deorio too," Killua said aloud, leaving on hand in his pocket while the other hung by his side.

"You mean Kurapika and Leorio, right?" You tilted your head at him.

"So anyway," he changed topics. "Why'd you take the Hunter Exam?"

"Didn't you already ask me this?" You raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well yeah, but you didn't give me a real answer," he smarted you.

Giving him your best tired glare, you thought about it. "Yes I did. For the money to pay off the hospital bills."

"I don't think that's necessarily true," he gave you a side glance, turning his eyes in front of you. "Your voice slightly changes when you talk about it, which can be considered a small sign of someone lying."

"Are you sure you're not a detective? Or therapist?" You asked, stumbling over your own feet.

Sighing to yourself, you ignored the feeling of his eyes on you. "If I'm lying, then I wouldn't know the reason."

You weren't lying.

You knew that.

please excuse the length of this chapter, there are still personal things going on that hae made it hard to write

thank you

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