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"Humans can surprise you sometimes."


"The first 200 floors of Heavens Arena are divided into classes, 10 floors per class," a lady told you. You were one your way to the fiftieth floor and had to turn in your tickets, when she started explaining everything. You were waiting in a elevator, a small kid standing behind you. "Which means a fighter who wins on the fiftieth floor goes on to fight on the sixtieth. If they should lose, they automatically drop down to the fortieth floor."

"So that's why I got the fiftieth floor," you nodded. "I might not be on the same level as Gon, but I am near it. So it's easier to group us together," you tapped your chin. "But Killua," he turned to you, "Why're you starting on the fiftieth floor? Aren't you stronger then us?" You asked him, dropping your hand. 

Ever since Gon complimented you, whether he meant to or not, you felt a bit more confident in yourself. You still had your own doubts, but at least you had an amazing pain tolerance.

"They were originally going to place me on the 180th floor, but I wanted to start off slow," he told you, answering your question. 

"I heard that once you get to the hundredth floor, they comp you your very own room!" The kid behind you said, his voice full of excitement. You looked behind at him, wondering what he looked like. He had bushy eyebrows and a more buzzed haircut, and he wore a traditional martial arts uniform. A black turtleneck was underneath his uniform and a red belt tied around.

You could only think about how hot it would be in those clothes. Layers upon layers, he's gotta be sweating by now.

"I'm sorry, that was impolite of me," the kid spoke again. He seemed young, but that was just based on his height. Getting into a more firm stance, the boy shouted, "Osu! My name is Zushi, and you are?"

"I'm Killua."

"My names Gon."

"I'm [y/n], it's nice to meet you," you smiled, introducing yourself. the elevator dinged soon after and the guide ushered you out.

Walking on the tiled floor, Zushi continued talking. "I watched your fights earlier. You guys are really amazing!"

"What're you talking about?" Killua asked, looking at the kid. "You are here with only one match as well."

"He's right!" Gon said.

"No, no," Zushi held up his hand. "I still have a long way to go. By the by, what discipline do you practice?" He asked. "I study the Shingen-Ryu technique," he brought his fists up to his chin, before forcing them to his lower side. 

"A discipline? Don't have one," Killua told him.

"Nope," Gon said.

"I just used some meditation and hand strikes with mine," you explained. "Well, I suppose massage would be a more accurate word, but I pressed a pressure point on the wrist that would make someone feel drowsy," you rambled, forgetting where you were going.

Bumping into someone, you quickly apologized and kept walking. You could hear Killua stifling his laughter.

"You're kidding!" Zushi jumped back, apparently surprised. "You three are that strong without any training? I am humbled to be in your presence."

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