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"'Cause nothing grows when it is dark."
- 'Crystals,' by Of Monsters and Men

"I have a great idea," you announced, holding your hand above your head. You walked into the living room and plopped on the ground next to your teacher.

Hiromi sighed and looked over at you, their aura radiating tiredness, "If this is about somehow reversing a chicken egg into it's parents, therefore creating two chickens instead of the original one, then I don't want to hear it."

"No, no," you waved your hand, as if saying goodbye to that idea, "that was yesterday's idea. This idea is a Nen idea."

"Did you come up with an ability?" They asked, pulling their pink hair over their shoulder and beginning to braid it. 

"Two actually, and some limitations we could set," you pulled your legs into you, sitting criss-cross applesauce, "Turns out, ideas come to you at three AM. Which reminds me, we're out of milk."

"Why're you telling me that? Tell your mom," Hiromi told you, continuing their braid. "Jeez, I want milk, now, thanks to you."

"Then go get some milk," you cheekily smiled and kept talking. "Speaking of milk, that is how I came up with the two ideas that I will now be telling you about."

"Alright, shoot," they tied their braid off, throwing it behind their back.

"What if I could create a small time bubble? Say, someone got hurt so I coated the wound with my Nen, or time bubble, and speed up time within it, therefore making the wound heal faster," you proposed, gesturing it with your hand.

"What's your other idea?" Hiromi asked, leaning back on their wrists.

"Nen specks," you shrugged, "Just, y'know, coat the wound in Nen and heal it using binding properties."

"This could be troublesome, since both of them use Transmuter and Emitter tactics," Hiromi stood up and stretched their back. "I guess I can start training you with those. In the meantime, keep reading those medical books until you can recite them."

"Why? The medical books don't have anything to do with Nen," you asked, standing up after them. You cracked your knuckles, waiting for Hiromi's response.

They looked over at you, their arm over their shoulders as they stretched it, "Because, the theory is that if you know some medical stuff, it'll naturally seep into your Nen."

"What about those conditions? Can't I just make those and then bam! I have magical Nen powers," you snapped your fingers when you said bam, continuing to make smaller snaps. You looked at your hands, almost mesmerized at them.

"That's not how Nen works, you still have to work towards it," they cracked a smile, leaving the room. You followed after them, trailing your hand on the wall.

"Can I at least try it?"

"Which one?"

"The second one," you sighed, letting your hand fall down as you walked up the stairs. "The first one would be nice, but manipulating time isn't something I want to do." 

Hiromi opened up the baby-proofed gate at the beginning of the stairs and walked through, "Yeah, let me just get a knife."

"Are you going to stab me? I knew we shouldn't have let a random stranger in our house," you whispered the last part under your breath, closing the gate. Hiromi and you walked into the kitchen, which was right next to the steps, and stood in the middle.

"I wish I could," they shrugged their shoulders in an 'oh well,' gesture and grabbed a knife from the knife stand. Putting it against their finger, they swiftly sliced across their index finger. Blood oozed, beginning to fall down their finger. They placed their hand over it, so none would drip onto the floor.

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